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Former SBC VP Calls for Affirmative Action in Denominational Hiring

[Sioux City, Iowa] Dave Miller, aka The Company Man™, is a 2nd Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention, an office typically reserved for non-celebrity pastors. Think of it as “throwing a bone” to the little guys, while most other major offices are staffed by denominational superstars and major conference speakers. Miller is the owner-operator … Read more

Tim Keller is a Marxist: A Response to Carl Trueman

I rejoice in Tim Keller having to finally address whether or not he is a Marxist. I rejoice because rarely – and I mean rarely – do the Evangelical Intelligentsia respond to anything. They follow the advice of Ligon Duncan, the “woke” president of Reformed Theological Seminary (a major financial recipient of Socialist billionaire and … Read more

Agents of Betrayal in the Church

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. The original can be found here. AGENTS OF BETRAYAL: WILL EVANGELICAL INFLUENCE BE RUINED FROM WITHIN? WHICH TRUSTED EVANGELICAL LEADERS HAVE SOLD OUT THE FLOCK AND WHY. Note: This author is focused on the church and the serious infiltration of the … Read more

Confessions of a Calvinist Fundamentalist

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ (Colossian 2:8) The exhortation from Paul is clear; do not let anyone enslave and carry you away by philosophy, empty but deceitful words, or … Read more

SBC Executive Committee Shuts Down Free Speech, Criticism of “Woke” Leaders

Russell Moore is the head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). He is, as Wikipedia points out, a Christian Democrat and Communitarian. He is also a former Democratic staffer, one of the most vociferous critics of President Donald Trump, works for George Soros on his Evangelical Immigration … Read more

SBTS Faculty Consult Attorney on Release of Mohler Correspondence

Anyone paying attention to wider evangelicalism – and especially that represented in the Southern Baptist Convention – is well aware of a dramatic shift in focus and tone on social issues. When Albert Mohler repented of the notion of reparative therapy (the idea that through Biblical counseling a homosexual could break their addiction to unnatural … Read more

Full Marxist: Gospel Coalition Says You Must Give Away Your Wealth to Be “Just”

The Gospel Coalition, which has a substantial problem differentiating between law and gospel, also has a difficult time differentiating between justice and mercy. The parachurch organization led by Marxist, Tim Keller, is a recipient of funds from both George Soros and James Riady (two powerful globalist and socialist billionaire financiers) and serves the purpose of … Read more

Russell Moore ‘Likes’ Tweet Calling Social Justice Statement “Stupid”

It was Russell Moore’s hard push leftward that led – in part – to the Dallas Statement, also known as the Social Justice and the Gospel Statement. Moore, a former Democratic staffer who now works for George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table (Moore is also slated to speak at a Soros event in November) and has … Read more

The Strange Coalition Against MacArthur’s “Social Justice Statement”

Technically, it wasn’t John MacArthur who was most responsible for The Dallas Statement, also known as the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement.” MacArthur’s name, however, stands out as hovering above the rest in notoriety. In actuality, the statement was very much a grass-roots effort of concerned evangelicals who have stood witness as a political … Read more

What You Need to Know About the Dallas Statement on Social Justice

I don’t think people adequately understand the significance of The Dallas Statement (as I call it) and its reception. Let me put some thoughts down here and explain exactly what has happened and what is happening. As someone who has been covering the mission drift of the Young, Restless and Reformed (YRR) into social progressivism … Read more

MacArthur Launches Second Salvo Against Social Justice

After eagerly waiting for the elder theologian to enter the fray on the topic of Social Gospel, deceitfully renamed Social Justice, Dr. John MacArthur waded into the controversy last week with his first article on the subject. He was quickly maligned as being a white supremacist, as “fighting ghosts,” and was accused of “attacking racial … Read more

ERLC Produces Animal Rights Video, Then Deletes It

**Updated with ERLC video at the bottom of this post. The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, which is run by progressive globalist and former Democratic staffer, Russell Moore, posted a video today from Charles Camosy advocating his radical animal rights agenda. Moore, who also works for George Soros’ Evangelical … Read more

What is Complementarian Feminism?

What on Earth is happening? Why are all of these evangelical leaders pushing feminism and Egalitarianism from their social media accounts, and why does it seem so coordinated? Like a wave, from Danny Akin to JD Greear to The Gospel Coalition, these same evangelical individuals and groups that once lauded the Council on Biblical Manhood and … Read more

Wider Christianity Is Noticing SBC’s Hard-Left Turn

After reporting for years about the Southern Baptist Convention’s turn leftward, almost single-handedly orchestrated by a former Democratic staffer and George Soros business partner, Russell Moore, Pulpit & Pen is very glad to see many outside the SBC recognize their wayward trajectory. The following was published by One News Now, the website of the American … Read more