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Pratt Gave Gospel Better than Pence? Read the Dumbest Thing on Twitter Yesterday

It’s not easy going through life being stupid. You know, unable to reason, cognitively ill-prepared to weigh facts and evidence, intellectually aloof, cerebrally challenged…you get it. It’s especially hard to operate with a brain almost entirely programmed by the gods of this age while convincing others that you’re smart. And yet, that is exactly what … Read more

Why The Bible Condones American Immigration Policy

Here are the facts regarding the endless virtue signaling of evangelicals in relationship to the current (and manufactured) immigration “crisis” regarding children being separated from parents. First, people who invade our country illegally should be detained until they can be tried and dealt with according to the law. Second, we do not want to incarcerate … Read more

Why Mohler is Wrong on Immigration

The “Latte Mafia” (credit to Thomas Littleton for the term) of the Evangelical Intelligentsia – those elites who I have defined here – have found the recent immigration policy debate an opportune time to signal their virtue. The contrived non-crisis (the common sense policy of not incarcerating children with their criminal parents is decades-old) has … Read more

Journalist Booted by ERLC For Asking Russell Moore Questions Gives Full Testimony

We covered the breaking news that Thomas Littleton, a conservative Southern Baptist and freelance journalist with press credentials, was tossed from the SBC annual meeting after  ERLC employee, Brent Leatherwood, allegedly made a false accusation toward him in retaliation for asking Russell Moore inconvenient questions about the LGBTQ Revoice Conference. You can read that post … Read more

Social Justice Groups, The Gospel Coalition and 9 Marks, Throw Hissy Over VP Pence at Southern Baptist Convention

When Vice President Pence spoke at the Southern Baptist Convention, workers for 9Marks sat angrily with their arms folded, at times with a noticeable facial grimace, eye-roll and audible huff. When Trump’s name was mentioned, an occasional boo could be heard from the crowd. The fully-woke New Calvinist organization has largely shifted its emphasis from … Read more

Danny Akin, SEBTS, Allegedly Threaten Non-Woke Faculty with Sensitivity Training and Firing

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has been at the forefront of the Social Justice Wars of the SBC in recent months and years. A promoter of Critical Race Theory and Marxist Intersectionality, president Danny Akin has installed an Affirmative Action wing for the seminary – called the Department of Kingdom Diversity – and has promoted the … Read more

Joe Thorn To Take Part in Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory Event

Tatting up his knuckles with “1689,” the year of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, Joe Thorn cemented himself as the token representative of old-school Reformed Baptists for a new generation. The bearded hipster, who advertises his cigar and alcohol choices like George Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel, is popular among New Calvinists, the large subset of … Read more

Janet Mefferd Takes on Karen Swallow Prior, Asks When She’ll Be Held Accountable

Pulpit & Pen was the first to sound the alarm bell about the gay-affirming research fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, Karen Swallow Prior (KSP). In our post, Gay Affirming Research Fellow at ERLC, Shocking Liberalism, we explained that Swallow Prior exhibited behavior, associations, and speech that … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Excludes White Women at Upcoming Conference

What’s the best way to promote racial harmony? If you’re the Social Gospel Coalition, the answer is segregation. Genius. The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has advertised an event at 9:15PM on the Friday night of TGC18 Women’s Conference for “Women of Color” only. White women need not apply. Specifically invited are “all women of color.” In … Read more

A Warning to Christians: Don’t Fall Into the Trump Trap

What is the Trump Trap you may ask? Well, essentially it’s a set-up. I hate to sound so conspiratorial. But a simple analysis of current events reveals the greater strategy at play, including the further watering down of biblical doctrine and truth. The election of Trump reflected the desperation of a nation continuously on the … Read more

Southern Baptist Lobbying Group Silent on Religious Liberty Threat in California

By Alan D. Atchison Ethics and Religious Liberty President Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist organization committed to our liberty has been strangely silent as numerous Christian leaders and religious liberty organizations announced the threat to Christians from a new legislative move in California. Assembly Bill 2943 would seriously curtail Christian voices regarding the power of Christ … Read more

Conservative Evangelicals Walk Out During Wheaton’s Marxist Brain Trust Meeting

Pulpit & Pen reported on Tuesday that evangelical leftists, some of whom are financial recipients of globalist financiers, George Soros and James Riady, recently gathered at Wheaton College to game-plan how to turn evangelicalism to the hard left. Our reporting, as usual, was proven accurate as several attendees at the invitation-only event left the venue … Read more

Marxist Brain Trust Gathers at Wheaton to Discuss Moving Evangelicals Left

It’s no secret that the Communist Party intentionally infiltrated the so-called “black church” (an abominable term indeed, in a Biblical worldview that refuses to view people through a racial construct, which is forbidden in places like Galatians 3:28, Romans 3:29, Colossians 3:11) during the Civil Rights Movement. This historic reality has been written about in … Read more

Who is the Man Afraid to Be Alone with James White, Kyle J. Howard?

With James Riady, a corrupt Globalist and leftist financier funding Reformed Theological Seminary and other Calvinist-leaning institutions, and with George Soros funding projects of evangelicals like Russell Moore through his Open Societies Foundation, it’s reasonable to question whether or not outspoken individuals in our institutions are change agents for well-funded political causes. How do Marxists, … Read more