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Social Justice Christians Attack ‘Nationalism’ With Joint Statement

A group of leftist ‘Christians’ recently drafted and signed a statement against so-called Christian Nationalism. Although most signers identify as evangelicals, several Roman Catholics joined in the effort. Some endorsers of the statement partner heavily with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Russell Moore. WHAT IS NATIONALISM? Nationalism is the historical political philosophy of the United States … Read more

“Justice Democrats” Founder is THE Organizer of Evangelical Social Justice Movement

In this bombshell report by Pulpit & Pen, we will demonstrate how Democratic financier and organizer Zack Exley is behind the successful attempt to change the political ideology of America’s major evangelical institutions, ministries, and seminaries through propagation of what is known as “Social Justice.” SUMMARY We will explain—with a compilation of original sources, some … Read more

SBC and Social Justice: A List of Links To Prove the Agenda is Real

This post is designed to provide an extensive but not comprehensive list of articles from Pulpit & Pen documenting SBC leaders pushing so-called “Social Justice” upon its membership. It is designed to be simple and straight-forward. The Problem: Social Justice is a term invented by South American Roman Catholic Priests and the churches affiliated with … Read more

Compassion in Action: Church Sends Mission Teams to Help Texas Border Guards

In a show of Christlike compassion, a Southern Baptist megachurch is sending mission teams to the Texas-Mexican border to help show love to overwhelmed border guards who are being demonized in the media and unappreciated by our populace. Prestonwood Baptist Church, pastored by Jack Graham, decided to send a mission team to hand out food, … Read more

Pelosi Says Churches Are Key Ally for Immigration Lawlessness

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says that churches and faith-groups are an important Democratic ally in promoting open borders, amnesty, and immigration lawlessness. Many evangelicals are taking part in a leftist propaganda plot, and don’t know it. Foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you; for in my wrath I struck … Read more

How Russell Moore is Causing the Border ‘Crisis’ He Complains About

Russell Moore doesn’t have time (apparently) to talk much about abortion or homosexuality these days, but he’s got lots of time to complain about the ‘unfair treatment” of criminals trying to unlawfully invade our sovereign borders. He also has time to talk about deepfake nudes, Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, and aliens. But what many people … Read more

TGC Doesn’t Want You to Vote for Trump. WE GET IT.

The Gospel Coalition doesn’t want you to vote for President Trump in 2020. We get it. The political organization, masquerading as a religious 501(c)3, couldn’t be clearer that their main goal is to change the voting patterns of evangelicals. Their blog, conferences, and speakers come from a variety of backgrounds, but all have a singular … Read more

The Circular Firing Line of Discernment Ministry

Discernment ministries often (but not always) have an unhealthy desire to castigate other discernment ministries out of jealousy or envy. It’s a pretty stupid thing to be jealous about, and such unhealthy competition makes us all look petty and ridiculous. Yesterday I saw an aspiring discernment minister critique Tim Hurd and I over a controversy … Read more

Christian Radio Host, Steve Deace, (Rightfully) Rips Into Russell Moore

A popular conservative Christian radio personality, who is also a Blaze TV host, recently ripped into Russell Moore over the same tweet that was criticized by Liberty University President, Jerry Falwell, Jr. Deace, who was a Never-Trumper during the 2016 election (partially due to his concerns over Trump’s moral character), is a committed evangelical with … Read more

Jerry Falwell Jr Takes Russell Moore to the Woodshed

Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr., is well-aware of the Southern Baptist Deep State and is ‘on to’ Russell Moore. The son of Moral Majority leader, Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr., Falwell’s talents include political prowess as much as theological acumen. This leaves Falwell especially suited to sniff-out and bark at liberals masquerading as religious conservatives. … Read more

An Epidemic of Bad Parenting is Killing Kids at the Border, and How Evangelicals Can Help

The reason little Valeria Ramirez is dead is because her father and mother, Oscar and Angie, are bad parents. They took their daughter along with them to commit a crime, despite dangerous conditions and knowing their behavior was unlawful. Then, without taking even the most basic safety precautions, the parents made their final poor decision … Read more

Why Flat Earth is Stupid

In the plot of the movie, Idiocracy (which I don’t recommend), the human race gets gradually dumber until it reaches a level of functional retardation. While the film is crass and comedic, there is truth to the premise. Humanity is not getting smarter. Pick up virtually any book from the English-speaking world printed in the … Read more

Fox News’ Todd Starnes Promotes Georgia Baptist “Diploma Mill”

Author, Journalist, and Fox News talking head Todd Starnes took to his popular Faceboook page last week to promote Truett-McConnel University (TMU) in Cleveland, Georgia. TMU hosted the popular conservative commentator during his annual Faith and Freedom Conference in April. TMU president Emir Caner has been a guest on Starnes, Fox News programs. Readers may … Read more

Disagreeing with Beth Moore is “Cyberbullying” and “Attacking,” Says Her SJW Allies

There are real-life consequences of the Social Justice Movement that extend well-beyond the daily Twitter orgy that regularly has evangelical SJW’s in a dogpile of slathering, self-flattering, virtue-signaling accolades and sensual backslaps. What the Social Justice Movement represents is an absolute undoing of evangelical conservatism. And we are seeing that undoing particularly in the realm … Read more