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Moron, That’s Not What Happened: An Open Letter to Jared Wilson

Jared, Listen, we know you make a living primarily from your ability to make pithy tweets and shmooze shoulders with prominent evangelical celebrities. We get it. But our ability to stomach blind sycophancy has its limits, and that limit for us happens to be defiling intellectual honesty. And you, Jared, have been intellectually dishonest. It’s … Read more

Joe Carter’s Attack on “Cultural Marxism” Term Likely Borrowed from Southern Poverty Law Center

Joe Carter, a contributor at both The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), yesterday blamed the tragic San Diego synagogue shooting on kinism (a philosophy we’ll describe below). Likewise, Carter claimed that kinism is to blame for the term Cultural Marxism, and argues that anyone using the term is complicit … Read more

Alabama Houses Passes Anti-Abortion Bill Crafted with the Intent to Challenge Roe vs Wade

[Associated Press | NBC News] MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama House voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to outlaw almost all abortions in the state as conservatives take aim at the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. The Republican-dominated House of Representatives voted 74-3 for legislation that would make it a felony to perform an abortion on a … Read more

Wisconsin Governor Determined to Execute the Unborn Says Calling it Infanticide is “Blasphemy”

[Micaiah Bilger | LifeNews] Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers slammed President Donald Trump as blasphemous on Tuesday after the president called out Democrats for refusing to protect newborns from infanticide. Evers, a pro-abortion Democrat, said he will veto a bill to require doctors to provide medical care to infants who survive abortions. He claims the bill is … Read more

Weed Makes It Easier to Worship, Says Pastor

One ‘Christian’ pastor recently extolled the virtues of marijuana as spiritual tool that can be used to take Christians to a “higher level of worship.” The pun is intended, but also unfortunate. Craig Gross is the pastor of XXX Church in Pasadena, California, which Pulpit & Pen wrote about in 2017 when, after the death … Read more

Aborted Babies Used to Create Vaccines: Are They Immoral?

Nazi medical doctors used Jews, the Romani, Poles, and Soviet prisoners of war as lab rats to advance medical science. Upon these human beings, the Nazi doctors experimented by giving head injuries, freezing the subjects, giving malaria, testing various immunizations, testing mustard gas, and subjecting people to high altitudes. Almost all died or suffered debilitating … Read more

Drama: Valedictorian At Top Mormon College Comes Out As Sodomite During Graduation Speech

The Mormon Church’s official teaching on homosexuality is that it gay behavior is sinful, but like their evangelical counterparts, have largely abandoned the notion that homosexual desires are sinful. Like when they adjusted their policy on polygamy in accordance to U.S. law, however, the Mormon Church has been quickly rolling back anti-gay policies since Obergfell … Read more

Beth Moore Wickedly Mocks SBC Complementarian Position, Flaunts Her Preaching

For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions…(2 Timothy 3:6). Beth Moore started out as a Southern Baptist whose Bible studies were being promoted to women by the SBC-owned LifeWay Christian Resources. Almost from the beginning, discerning Christians noted that her … Read more

Satanic Temple Tax-Exempt Status Granted by IRS as Religious Institution

As recent as Easter Weekend, a viewing of “Hail Satan?” was held at the Sundance Film Festival. “Hail Satan?” a documentary directed by Penny Lane explores the first six years of the Satanic Temple as a religious and political movement. Director Penny Lane explains it’s, “the origin story of the Satanic Temple…a legitimate religious movement … Read more