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Three Important Things Christians Need to Know About Earth Day

Yesterday, believers around the world gathered in local assemblies to celebrate the resurrection of the God-Man, Jesus Christ, from the dead. The Christian celebration originates from the belief that the Second Person of a Triune God – who had previously and eternally been spirit – took on the flesh of humanity by making himself an … Read more

Churches Bombed in Sri Lanka, Clinton and Obama don’t refer to victims as “Christians”

Today is Easter. As a celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is a uniquely Christian holiday. This morning, in a horrific turn of events, three Sri Lankan churches were bombed during their Easter worship services. In Twitter condemnations of these vicious and deviously-timed attacks, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and … Read more

Mohler Allegedly Removed from Ligonier for Social Justice Position

Albert Mohler is a Social Justice Warrior, make no mistake about it. His snapping at Phil Johnson at the ill-advised ShepCon Q&A included the caveat that who he “platforms” speaks for his positions. If that’s the case, then Albert Mohler is one of the most radical Social Justice Warriors in evangelicalism, doing a 180-degree turn … Read more

Notre Dame: The Reformed View Does Not Weep at the Loss of Idols

Everyone needs a mentor. For John Calvin, it was William Farel. And Farel hated idols. He really, really hated them. Farel, who went by the first name Guillaume (William) was from the city of Gap in southeastern France. The violent Roman Catholic Inquisition eliminated the sect of the Waldensians in that region, and the vacuum … Read more

“LGBTQ-Approved Sanctuaries”: Female High School Students Protest New Restroom Mandates

[Shane Trejo | Big League Politics] The Iowan students protested after LGBT bathroom mandates allowed predators and perverts to violate their privacy rights. Female students are pushing back after transgender bathroom mandates have turned restrooms into LGBT-approved sanctuaries for predators at their high school. Students walked out of Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs, Iowa to … Read more

Iconic Catholic Cathedral Notre Dame on Fire

A massive fire has broken out in the historical Catholic Cathedral, Notre Dame. Witnesses say the fire has engulfed it the entire structure fearing a complete of destruction of the Cathedral. Notre Dame de Paris means in French “Our Lady of Paris. More commonly called Notre Dame. Built during the Medieval period (beginning in 1163 … Read more

Despite LDS Church No Longer Deeming Homosexual Married Couples Apostate, Claim They Still Suffer the “Rejection of God”

Pulpit & Pen reported last week that the LDS Church Says LGBT Mormons Are No Longer ‘Apostate.’ In a major change that came a week ago, the LDS headquarters announced that God again had changed his mind on an important social issue. Although the Mormons had banned people in ‘gay marriages’ as “apostates,” they reversed … Read more