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8 Year Old Elementary Student Harassed by Teacher on Gender Identity, Parents Sue School

A school district in Oregon is being sued after a teacher repeatedly grilled an 8-year-old student about whether he thought he is a girl, gave him videos on transgenderism to watch and provided instructional books. Oddly enough, that type of behavior likely will be standard practice soon in California. KPTV-TV reported the parents of a student … Read more

Supreme Court Overturns Precedent, Is Overturning of Roe v. Wade on Horizon?

A U.S. Supreme Court decision Monday to overturn a 40-year precedent has some questioning whether Roe v. Wademay be next. The case, Franchise Tax Board of California v. Gilbert P. Hyatt, involves states’ rights. In a 5-4 decision Monday, the high court overturned a four-decade-old case about whether a state can “unwillingly be sued in the courts … Read more

Supreme Court Rules Anti-Trust Suit Can Proceed Against Apple App Store

KEY POINTS The Supreme Court, ruling 5-4, allows iPhone users to pursue their antitrust lawsuit against Apple in a case involving its signature electronic marketplace, the App Store. Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote the majority opinion, which was joined by the court’s liberal justices. The iPhone users argued that Apple’s 30% commission on sales through the … Read more

“Corrupt Misogynistic Pigs” will be Voted Out of Office Spews Hollywood Actress, Rosanna Arquette

Actress and political activist Rosanna Arquette derided unspecified politicians as “corrupt misogynistic pigs” in enraged social media screed, while demanding they keep their “filthy evil hand off our vaginas.” “Women will vote all you corrupt misogynistic pigs out of office. Keep your filthy evil hands off our vaginas. we out number you, you will not win,” Rosanna … Read more

Feminist Wants Mandatory Vasectomies for Men So Women Won’t Need Abortions

Men should be mandated to undergo involuntary vasectomies, so says Hollywood actress, Evan Rachel Wood after Georgia and Ohio passed new abortion laws. Vehemently opposed to the personhood of the unborn, the Westwood star suggested Thursday an easy way to prevent pregnancy and a woman’s need for abortion…neutering men. Well not completely neutering men, obviously … Read more

Rule of Law Need Not Apply, Bush Judge Rules Non-Doctors Right to Perform Abortions

Remember when judges had to take the abortion issue away from the legislatures so that women wouldn’t receive abortions performed with hangers in back alleys? Now, judges have to take the health care standards away from legislatures so that non-doctors can perform back alley-type abortions. The common denominator is that abortion is a religion where … Read more

Reformed Baptist Minister, Tom Chantry, Guilty on 4 Counts of Molestation

Tom Chantry, once prominent in Reformed Baptist circles, has been found guilty in a new trial on four separate counts of child molestation. His father is the esteemed Walter Chantry. Todd Wilhelm, who has covered the Chantry investigation and trials from the beginning, reports yesterday’s court proceedings: YESTERDAY’S COURT PROCEEDINGS Present in the courtroom gallery … Read more

Millennials: Asking for Censorship is Conceding the Argument

Those who promote Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, and Black Liberation Theology should grasp the concept of basic civil liberties. Supposedly, they seek equality, and it is therefore incumbent upon them to understand the importance of the individual’s right to thought and expression. If their ideas had merit, however, they would not so quickly seek … Read more

Was Jerry Falwell, Jr. Pressured to Endorse Trump by Cohen Over His “Racy Photos” Fix?

Trump’s “fixer” attorney claims in an audio recording that he helped Jerry Falwell, Jr. to handle a controversy involving “personal photos” that should remain between husband and wife. Mere days later, Falwell surprised his friends and allies by endorsing Donald Trump for the presidency. Jerry Falwell Jr. is the president of Liberty University, and he … Read more

Gospel Coalition Editor, Southern Baptist Official, Calls For Impeachment of Trump

A prominent official with two power evangelical organizations is calling for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. These two organizations, The Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) share a good deal of the same board members and contributors. Both organizations are funded heavily by … Read more

Is The Gospel Coalition Editor, Joe Carter, a Shameless Racist?

In a shocking turn of events, three-year-old words from Joe Carter have resurfaced that self-impugn him of racism. Carter is an editor for The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization designed to infiltrate evangelicalism for the sake of pushing the demographic leftward. Carter is also the ‘Communications Specialist’ at the SBC’s wildly progressive Ethics and … Read more

“Kill Them Now or Kill Them Later” Democrat Rogers Says “Retarded” Donald Trump Jr Should have been Aborted

During the recent Alabama House debate on state legislation for the protection of unborn children, Democrat Representive John Rogers argued abortion should remain legal since one should have choice, real choice. Rogers reasoned that we could either “Kill them now or Kill them later.” Pulpit and Pen reported Rogers’ comments in the article entitled Democrat … Read more