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Texas Republicans Pass Save Chick-fil-A Bill, Democrats Call it Bill of Hatred

What started as a sweeping religious refusals bill has been significantly watered down as it moves through the Texas Legislature. But LGBTQ advocates still fiercely oppose it, saying it perpetuates hateful rhetoric. Over the tearful opposition of the Legislature’s first-ever LGBTQ Caucus and several failed attempts at a procedural block, the Texas House passed a … Read more

Marxist Call for Workers to Unite “To Seize Means of Production” Made By Largest Federation of Labor Unions

The AFL-CIO, the largest federation of labor unions in the United States, has stirred controversy by tweeting a Marxist video and declaring: “We all need to seize the means of production.” Such language, contained in last week’s tweet promoting the video, is just the latest example of a risky emerging alliance between the rising socialist left and more … Read more

Don’t Pander to Children: Jonathan Edwards Gets It Right But Sally Lloyd-Jones Gets It Wrong

Most churches in Japan, where I live, are small and often do not have enough children to have Sunday School classes. So they have “Children’s Church” before the main service, which is a brief homily addressed to children. During these messages, church members usually enjoy the cute antics and unexpected responses of the children. But from my perspective, the … Read more

Found with 102 Live Rounds: Teacher Arrested for Allegedly Planting Ammo in School

SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. —A Southbridge teacher is accused of leaving ammunition in a school stairwell Thursday morning before calling police to report it.  Southbridge police said high school biology teacher Alfred Purcell III, 57, of Woodstock, Connecticut, reported to staff that he had just found one live round of 9 mm ammunition in the rear stairwell. … Read more

Rugby Star Fired After Posting Bible Verse

Israel Folau’s instagram post with a bible verse caption led to his contract’s termination. The three-person panel decided to terminate Folau’s four-year, 4 million dollar contract on Friday as a punishment for his social media caption. The image that led to Israel’s contract being terminated reads: “WARNING, Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters, … Read more

The SEBTS Files: Detailed Proof that Critical Theory Has Taken Over Seminary

If you want to know what it looks like for avowed Marxists, globalists, political idealogues, and their dark money to take over a once-conservative seminary in the name of Social Justice, look no further than South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forrest, North Carolina. The SBC institution is the epicenter of the ‘woke’ movement … Read more

Church of Horrors: Dead Bodies Found Stacked Inside House of Worship

A pastor in Stockton, California, started a side-hustle as a ‘funeral home director.’ Unfortunately, the facility was not equipped for handling the remains of the deceased, and authorities have discovered unrefrigerated, rotting remains of corpses strewn throughout the facility grounds. Concerns were raised after a deceased individual failed to make his own funeral, after the … Read more

Trend-Setting of the LGBTQ in Media

Anyone who knows me personally knows I am not a trend-setter by any stretch of the imagination. A close look in my clothes closet is evident of that fact. However, I do pay close attention to groups who are in the business of setting trends. Trend-setters are those who work tirelessly to make a change … Read more