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Word-Engineering Being Used to Normalize Suicide as a Rational Choice

The focus on suicide prevention continues to erode. In Ozy — which bills itself as being about “fresh stories and bold ideas” — self-described “reporter” Molly Fosco applauds that suicidal depression is increasingly being looked upon as a “terminal illness,” and hence, opines that we should view the suicides of the deeply depressed as a normal part of dealing with … Read more

The Man Who Wanted to Deny VP Mike Pence from Speaking at SBC to Be Nominated as VP of the SBC

It was an honor for Southern Baptists to have Mike Pence speak at the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention. Pence is an evangelical believer whose personal testimony supports his profession of faith. He has been a faithful husband and father, spent his many years of public service defending traditional marriage and the unborn, and has personified … Read more

#MLKToo: Civil Rights Icon and Baptist Minister’s Sexual Misconduct Revealed in Detail

In April of 2018, the Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) jointly hosted the MLK50 Conference. The stated purpose of the conference was “to reflect on the state of racial unity in the church and the culture” fifty years after the assassination of venerated civil rights … Read more

Confused Teen Crowned Prom King

Nicholas Bulman, the Barnstable High School student who came out as transgender last summer, was crowned prom king at the Class of 2019′s celebration Friday night at the Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis. “It was a really fun night,” Bulman said Saturday. “Everyone looked dapper and beautiful.” Students attending the “Great Gatsby”-themed prom Friday … Read more

5 Common Pro-choice Arguments Refuted

We have all argued with a pro-choicer or at least witnessed an argument. Abortion advocates have been spoon fed the same easily refutable lies and spit them up over and over like intellectual infants, futile in their thinking. “My body, my choice.” Saying “my body, my choice” is like saying “my house, my rules.” Just … Read more

“Psychic Mediumship” Gift for Contacting Dead a Must for the Church Says Psychic Minister

The Vision Church of Atlanta, Georgia, a progressive congregation, has added a psychic medium who claims to commune with the dead to their staff. Lakara Foster, who holds a doctorate of ministry from The Interdenominational Theological Center, is now a licensed minister at The Vision Church of Atlanta, Rolling Outreported. She is also the creator and star of … Read more

PCA ‘Revoice’ Investigation Report Says Conference CRITICS Might Have Sinned

A flock of homosexuals gathered at Memorial Presbyterian Church last July to celebrate ‘gay culture’ behind closed doors in a conference called ‘Revoice.’ Those who had been freed of Same-Sex Attraction by the Holy Spirit were not permitted entry (they were explicitly denied registration and refunded their registration fees), and neither were members of the … Read more

Texas Passes Sexual Abuse Civil Immunity Bill Initiated by SBTC and the ERLC

The Texas Legislature unanimously passed a bill initiated by Southern Baptists to provide civil immunity to churches that disclose credible sex abuse allegations. The Texas Senate passed House Bill 4345 late yesterday (May 22) without opposition, two weeks after the House approved the measure. The bill is written to protect charitable organizations, their volunteers and … Read more

“Fully Woke,” Reformed Theological Seminary Starts ‘Women in Ministry’ Scholarship

Reformed Theological Seminary is funded by James Riady, the corrupt globalist Clinton financier and felon who was prosecuted and kicked out of the United States for using foreign cash to influence the American political system. After several years of generous donations to RTS, led by its chancellor, Ligon Duncan, the once-conservative Reformed seminary now embraces … Read more

“Littering With Gun” Charges Filed Against Passenger for Throwing Pistol from Car Window

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office refused to allow officers to arrest two suspects on weapons charges. Houston, TX – Houston police charged an 18-year-old woman who threw a pistol out of a car window with “littering with gun” because the Harris County prosecutors refused to authorize weapons charges. The incident occurred on Sunday when … Read more

Euthanize, Abort, or Refer Trumps Doctor’s Freedom of Conscience Canadian Court of Appeals Rules

The culture of death brooks no dissent. In Canada, doctors have been ordered to bend the knee. Here’s the story: The Canadian Charter (Constitution) guarantees “freedom of conscience and religion” — a stronger and more explicit protection of religious liberty than our First Amendment. After the Supreme Court created a right to euthanasia, Ontario passed … Read more