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Five Good Reasons Why Nationalism is Christian

Nationalism is not Christianity, but it is Christian. There is much confusion about the ideology of Nationalism in recent months, and much of it is being propagated by those who oppose Christianity altogether. Here are five good reasons why Nationalism is Christian, and why Christians should be Nationalists. This is an important topic to understand, … Read more

Teacher Reports 10-year-old UK Girl and her Church to an Anti-Terrorist Group for ‘Hate Speech’

“Sir, please, may I not take part in this lesson?” is now treated as a terrorist death-threat. Last month, Susan Papas, headmaster of a UK LGBTQA+ indoctrination camp cleverly disguised as a primary school, suspended two 10-year-old-students with allegations of making “homophobic remarks” after they asked permission to be excluded from a gay-pride math lesson. Both … Read more

TGC Doesn’t Want You to Vote for Trump. WE GET IT.

The Gospel Coalition doesn’t want you to vote for President Trump in 2020. We get it. The political organization, masquerading as a religious 501(c)3, couldn’t be clearer that their main goal is to change the voting patterns of evangelicals. Their blog, conferences, and speakers come from a variety of backgrounds, but all have a singular … Read more

No, Jesus Wasn’t Tempted with Homosexuality

You’ve commonly heard it said that Jesus must have been tempted with homosexuality if he was “tempted in every way in which we are.” Is this true? THEIR QUEER ARGUMENT Progressive evangelicals are eager to see American Christianity take a left-turn on homosexuality. Their current strategy is to chip away at the biblical sexual ethic … Read more

Why Flat Earth is Stupid

In the plot of the movie, Idiocracy (which I don’t recommend), the human race gets gradually dumber until it reaches a level of functional retardation. While the film is crass and comedic, there is truth to the premise. Humanity is not getting smarter. Pick up virtually any book from the English-speaking world printed in the … Read more

Donald Trump Invites God’s Judgement by Celebrating Gay Pride Month

The prophet Isaiah pronounced a woe for the wicked: Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20 Surely it applies to President Donald J. Trump who recently took to Twitter to celebrate Gay Pride month. As … Read more

#MLKToo: Civil Rights Icon and Baptist Minister’s Sexual Misconduct Revealed in Detail

In April of 2018, the Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) jointly hosted the MLK50 Conference. The stated purpose of the conference was “to reflect on the state of racial unity in the church and the culture” fifty years after the assassination of venerated civil rights … Read more

Texas Passes Sexual Abuse Civil Immunity Bill Initiated by SBTC and the ERLC

The Texas Legislature unanimously passed a bill initiated by Southern Baptists to provide civil immunity to churches that disclose credible sex abuse allegations. The Texas Senate passed House Bill 4345 late yesterday (May 22) without opposition, two weeks after the House approved the measure. The bill is written to protect charitable organizations, their volunteers and … Read more

FDA Warns European Doctor, Stop Selling Dangerous Abortion Drugs To American Women Online

A European doctor who provides abortion pills by mail to the United States is defying an order from the US Food and Drug Administration to stop.”It is very important to continue … because it is the only safe abortion alternative for some of the most vulnerable people,” Dr. Rebecca Gomperts said in an emailed statement. … Read more

Don’t Pander to Children: Jonathan Edwards Gets It Right But Sally Lloyd-Jones Gets It Wrong

Most churches in Japan, where I live, are small and often do not have enough children to have Sunday School classes. So they have “Children’s Church” before the main service, which is a brief homily addressed to children. During these messages, church members usually enjoy the cute antics and unexpected responses of the children. But from my perspective, the … Read more

Development of Economic Plan Phase One in White House Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

The White House is planning to launch the economic part of the Trump administration Israeli-Palestinian peace plan in mid-June and will hold a special international workshop on Bahrain on June 25–26 to discuss the implementation of the economic plan. What’s next: A senior White House official said the Trump peace team led by senior adviser Jared … Read more

Radical Feminists and Radical Environmentalists War on Children: “Better to Put Them to Death”

From radical feminists to radical environmentalists, the word has come down: Children are not the future, but the future’s enemies. Why are pro-abortion activists such as Brian Sims so angry? Because they abhor the alternative. Sims, a Democratic member of the Pennsylvania state legislature, filmed himself berating an old woman and a few children who … Read more