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DHS Warns Pandemic “Stressors” May Provoke Attacks On Churches

In a message to “Members of the Faith-Based Community” from Brian Harrell, Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security at the Department of Homeland Security, he warns that that certain ” stressors caused by the pandemic may contribute to an individual’s decision to commit an attack or influence their target of choice” and provides remedies on how … Read more

Pray for All the Dumb Churches that Hosted Super Bowl Yesterday

Evangelical churches all across the United States gathered on the Lord’s Day to celebrate not Jesus, but American football. Men, women, and children huddled in fellowship halls and church basements around big screen televisions to watch stadiums of Sabbath-breakers cheer like the Colosseum at a gladiator fight. The scene of Super Bowl LIV was not … Read more

Tim Keller Alleges God Does Not ‘Feel Superior’ To You

In a characteristically dumb tweet for the aging Marxist, Tim Keller tweeted a nonsensical Confusious-Say type thought that speaks to his increasingly bizarre theology. Keller’s social religion has absolutely poisoned his brain. Writing on Twitter yesterday, Keller claimed that “it’s impossible to forgive someone if you feel superior to him or her.” No doubt, the … Read more

Rosaria Butterfield Promotes Sam Allberry’s Theology, Catholic Priest Who Says God is Gay, and Occultic Scholar

Whenever one mentions the topic of homosexuality around conservative Christians, he or she is usually met with “Have you listened to Rosaria Butterfield? She is holding the line on these issues.” Not being one who relishes an argument, I often sigh inwardly to encounter these comments. I get it. I followed Butterfield as a fan … Read more

Google Makes a “Gender Neutral Video Game Controller”

Have you ever wished that your video game controller was less male or female? If not, you’re probably a normal human being. If so, you’re probably an executive at Google. Google has now come out with a “gender-neutral video game controller.” Stadia is Google’s brand new streaming game service for online gamers. It could have … Read more

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church Calls for More Same Sex Intimacy in Churches

Last week Redeemer Church in Manhattan sponsored a training event for all their New York City churches which featured Tim Keller and Rebecca McLaughlin. Tim Keller is the founding pastor of the highly influential Redeemer enterprise and co-founder of The Gospel Coalition (TGC), a political organization which aims to move Evangelicals away from their Biblical … Read more

Liberation Theology: Social Sin the Only Sin Part 3

In order to understand salvation, one must be able to have some concept of sin. Sin is not limited to something that someone does outwardly, like lying or stealing, but includes our disposition, where sin subsumes our thoughts and mind as well. The definition of disposition is the inherent qualities of someone’s mind and character. … Read more

Women’s Lib or Women’s Fib: A Look at Genesis 3:16

Since the 1960s in the western world, a movement began that was initially designed to give women liberties that, supposedly unto that time, were restricted from them based on gender alone. “Women’s-Lib,” as it was often referred to, may have begun with laudable aims, such as the fair-pay of women in the work-force, or overcoming … Read more

Gays, Liberals, and Climate Activists

We used to think of activism in terms of separate causes with people who actually cared about the particular cause they stood for. Some people might care about clean air while others might care about safe schools. But, in reality, it turns out that the different facets of activism all stem from the same source … Read more

Man Who Worships Pasta Provides City Invocation in Alaska

[Homer, Alaska] A Pastafarian high priest just opened an Alaska city council meeting in prayer. Wearing a colander on his head, the pasta priest offered the opening prayer on behalf of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to a municipal meeting in Alaska, the latest blessing from a nontraditional church since a court ruling … Read more

LGBTQ Folks Are Now Doing “Doggie Drag Shows”

Dressing up your dog is pretty gay to begin with. But a group of LGBT activists in Phoenix are dressing up their dogs in drag for some odd reason. Perverted human beings gathered their pets together to dress them up as the wrong gender, in sensual doggy outfits. As the Downtown Devil reports, “At arguably … Read more

More than Half of American Satanists Identify as LGBTQ

According to the head of the Satanic Temple of the United States, more than half of the Satan-worshippers in their organization are homosexuals or the gender-confused. Lucien Grieves (a pseudonym), the head of the U.S. Satanic Temple told a British publication that more than half of the Satanists in America are LGBTQ. Grieves told Attitude … Read more

Todd Bentley’s Alleged Homosexuality and Abuse Exposed

In news that surprises few who have followed the sheer depravity of this man – both violent and sexual – this will not be a big surprise, but it is news. Todd Bentley is a major charismatic prophet with the New Apostolic Reformation and has a colossal ministry (especially overseas). He’s also famous from cheating … Read more

Elizabeth Warren Wants Taxpayers to Fund “Gender Reassignment” Surgeries

The current second-place contender for the Democratic presidential primary, Elizabeth Warren, wants taxpayers to fund so-called gender-reassignment surgeries for people who suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender can’t be reassigned by mutilating the human body through plastic surgery, because it’s biologically assigned to sex, which is chromosomal. Being anti-science, today’s Democratic Party rejects the realities of … Read more