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Gay Priest at Ravi Zacharias Event: Jesus Had Dysphoria, Body Issues

Ravi Zacharias hosted Sam Alberry yesterday, who spoke at the event to explain “How To Know Your Gender.” The answer was not as simple as, “Do a DNA test.” Alberry, the gay Anglican priest, is an editor and writer for The Gospel Coalition, an organization run by Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, HB Charles … Read more

On the Adulterous Affair of Ravi Zacharias and the Cover-Up

There are actually several scandals here which the Christian Church – and in particular, the evangelical community – need to address. Ravi Zacharias is a noted apologist who is famous worldwide for defending theism and Christianity. The reason we address these issues isn’t to hurt the church’s testimony, but to demonstrate that the Christian Church, … Read more

Should Women Study Systematic Theology?

Women should study systematic theology. This is something I thought was obvious to other Christians walking around planet earth. Apparently it isn’t. Some controversy has arisen lately on Twitter (I’m not yet ready to call it “X”) as to whether half of the Christian population should study the various doctrines of Christianity. As far as … Read more


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Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2021

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2021? Using a number of criteria Pulpit & Pen has identified a list of nominees from a pool of eligible individuals (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox* were not included for consideration).  In … Read more

The Worst Christian of 2020

This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who is the worst Christian of 2020? On the surface, this seems like a foolish or even pharisaical question. The fact of the matter is that there are none worthy to stand righteous before God except his perfect son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer struggles with sin every day and will continue to do … Read more

Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2020

This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2020? Using a number of criteria Pulpit & Pen has identified a list of nominees from a pool of eligible individuals (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox* were not included for consideration).  In … Read more

TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile Wants the ‘barking-when-a-white-man-speaks-out-of-turn’ thing to Happen

The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile revealed more of his true feelings and depravity of his heart when engaged in some highly racial, low-brow humor that would have him howling if a white person ever said it. To familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to lobby for the restriction of Americans’ Second … Read more

A Refutation of the ‘Theology of the City’ (Part I)

As men dressed like dancing sugar plum fairies took to the stage at Redeemer Presbyterian Church to do choreographed ballet, it finally became apparent to many evangelicals that Tim Keller’s theology was a tad different than most. But if you’ve been watching Keller’s twitter feed for any period of time, you knew that already. There … Read more

‘Woke Church’ Pastor Eric Mason Twists Scripture in Reparation Sermon: Wants 200 years of Free Tuition for Black Students

Dr. Eric Mason, pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church‘ joined fellow travellers such as Thabiti Anyabwile and most folks from the Witness Black Christian Collective when he called for reparations to be paid by white folk to black folk, including centuries’ worth of college tuition, during his Sunday morning … Read more

With Latest Comments, SBC President J.D. Greear Is Officially a Race-Baiter

As another black man is shot by police after an interaction with law enforcement, Southern Baptist Convention President JD Greear has taken to social media and declared that the spine-shattering shooting happened on account of racism, an all-too-familiar pronouncement from the denominational leader who is slowly assuming the role of “Al Sharpton for Evangelicals” on … Read more

Kanye West Releases Flurry of Emotional Tweets on Abortion, Planned Parenthood

Yesterday, music sensation Kanye West released several tweets on the horrors of the abortion – a topic that he has been gravitating towards discussing these past few weeks. The posts follow another collection of now since-deleted ones, where he also posted images of a 6-month-old baby in the womb and said, “these souls deserve to … Read more

‘Hold-my-beer Greear’ Dives Headfirst into an Empty Pool over Ahmaud Arbery Slaying

As woke evangelicals foment and virtue-twerk all over social media regarding the tragic death of Ahmaud Arbery, declaring that the event was a modern-day lynching, that he was purposefully hunted by racist “whites” because he was “black,” and that any African-American out for a jog faces the real threat of being stalked and strung up … Read more