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Court Rules that Montana Midwives Can Now Kill Babies

Thus says the LORD: “A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.” – Jeremiah 31:15 The Montana Supreme Court has ruled that, in part due to the geographical breadth of the state and its … Read more

Movements, #Exvangelicals, and the Primacy of the Local Church

As history plays itself out according to God’s providential plan, movements within the visible church come and go. Oftentimes these movements revolve around heresies. Gnosticism and Arianism come to mind as very early ones. Almost as often, movements develop as a response to heresy. After all, what is a fundamentalist without a modernist? Sometimes a … Read more

The White Horse Inn Teams up with Homosexual Anglican Priest, Sam Allberry

By Toni S. Brown The White Horse Inn continues to promote gay “Christians,” producing a one year study on the book of John with each episode hosted by either White Horse Inn (WHI) producer Shane Rosenthal or founder Michael Horton, co-hosted by Sam Allberry. This week’s panel instructs the Lord’s church on what it means to be “born again.” Moderated by Shane Rosenthal the panel includes: Sam Allberry, homosexual Anglican Priest, speaker for Ravi … Read more

Who’s the Boss? Alyssa Milano Urges Film Industry Boycott of Georgia Over Abortion Bill

The State of Georgia is poised to enact one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws. House Bill 481, which Governor Brian Kemp is expected to sign if it passes, would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.* The proposed law has not only raised the ire of Georgia Democrats but at least … Read more

Three Things You Need to Know About William Lane Craig

In the last few years, William Lane Craig has surpassed Ravi Zacharais as evangelicalism’s foremost Christian Apologist. Craig’s name is most often associated with his ministry organization Reasonable Faith, which is also the name of his most popular book and his weekly podcast. Here are three things you need know about William Lane Craig. 1. … Read more

Vatican News Promotes ‘Puberty Blockers’ for Transgender Kids

[Lifesite News] VATICAN CITY, March 11, 2019) – A member of the Pontifical Academy for Life has argued on the Vatican News website that it’s acceptable to give children a puberty-blocking hormone in “very restricted cases.” The Academy member, Laura Palazanni, said that Italy’s National Committee of Bioethics (NBC) – of which she is the … Read more

“Plain Vanilla Sex” says Cardinal George Pell’s Attorney on Child Sexual Abuse Conviction

[Melissa Dave’s | The Guardian] Cardinal George Pell, the most senior Catholic cleric ever convicted of child sexual abuse, has been taken in custody following a sentencing hearing in which his lawyer described one of Pell’s offences as a “plain vanilla sexual penetration case where the child is not actively participating”. After the hearing, with Pell’s … Read more

Russell Moore: SBC Churches Need to Disciple the Transgender

[Reformation Charlotte] One of the new sexually perverted infiltrations in the Church now is the softening stance on gender identity. The influence is coming in through homosexual activists like Sam Allberry, who recently held a conference at Ravi Zacharias institute on “gender” and suggested that traditional gender roles are partly responsible for the influx of … Read more

HBC Naples Interim Pastor States Cardinal Rule of Elders: “Never Share Dissention or Disagreement to the Church or Publicly”

[Julie Roys |] Given that Harvest Bible Chapel is allowing its Naples campus to return to being an autonomous church, many have wondered why John Secrest, the founding pastor of that church who was fired by Harvest, is not being invited back. On Sunday, interim Pastor Russell Taylor gave the answer. Apparently, Secrest broke the cardinal rule of … Read more