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Do the ShepCon Speakers Stand By Their Gay Priest?

The 2019 Shepherd’s Conference speakers, all invited by John MacArthur amidst much controversy and protest, are personally responsible for the promotion and propagation of a gay priest who just taught against traditional gender roles and likened the atonement to gender dysphoria, claiming that Jesus had “body issues.” Sam Allberry is an editor and writer at … Read more

Believe in the Baptists: Conquering Social Justice Through the Pews

It’s with much respect I write these words to my friends who are fellow co-belligerents against the Social Justice juggernaut in evangelicalism. I write this to help encourage you to employ a successful strategy in realigning our churches to the Gospel and away from the mission drift of social religion. To make the case for … Read more

Is Marginalizing the Family the Latest Evangelical Idol?

[P. Andrew Sandlin | Christian Culture] Just in time to catch the cresting wave of our secular culture’s anti-family crusade, Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, chides Christians for championing the family. He’s not the only one. In the 80’s and 90’s, evangelicals perceived the family as under … Read more

ERLC Condemns Trafficking After Hosting Conference in Honor of Sex Trafficker

Editor’s Note: On April 3-4, 2018, a joint effort of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and The Gospel Coalition (TGC) hosted the national conference “MLK50: Gospel Reflections from the Mountaintop,” celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What the conference failed to mention was the lack of moral integrity of Martin Luther … Read more

Before Making it Legal to Kill Babies in the Womb, NY Democrats Extended Protections to Transgenders

The state of New York made big news last week when it passed the Reproductive Health Act, effectively decriminalizing the act of abortion up until the point of birth. The state’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, celebrated his government’s wicked action by directing the spire of One World Trade Center to be lit up pink. Nearly lost … Read more

New York Democrats Pass Landmark Abortion Legislation

Before today, it was already legal to get an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy in the state of New York. Now, thanks to the passage of the The Reproductive Health Act, which went into effect immediately, it’s a lot easier to get one anytime. With the passage of the act, healthcare providers other … Read more

Beautiful Women Don’t Want Evangelical Company Men

[Self Wire] We don’t often like to think about the human aspect of dating within the walls of evangelicalism. We want to over-spiritualize the process of selecting a spouse as if there were no legitimate physical or psychological variables with significant gravity in the process. But there are significant variables. And these variables create problems … Read more

The Dallas Statement is Dead, and John MacArthur Killed it.

I love John MacArthur. But, he has made the Dallas Statment on Social Justice and the Gospel an unprecedented failure in his otherwise spotless ministry.  MacArthur is wrong to invite men committing grievous errors – errors that he and the other crafters of the Dallas Statement describe in great detail – to speak at the 2019 Shepherd’s … Read more

Gay Christian Celebrities: A Peculiar and Alarming Development

Since Old Testament times homosexuality has been an uncontroversial topic among God’s people.  It’s sinful. That’s that; no argument, no debate. However, recent developments in Western society have caused homosexuality to become a hot-button issue in the public arena.  In the wake of what Baptist theologian and pundit Albert R. Mohler has labeled “the Moral … Read more