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Why Christians Vote Republican (and should continue to)

On the eve of the 2018 mid-term elections, evangelicals are being told how they should vote. Do not think we’ve failed to take notice that many of those who attempt to guide our vote have little regard for the Scripture themselves. This has not stopped a great many from telling us that our Christian faith … Read more

Pope Claims Sex Abuse Scandal is “Persecution” of the Church

[Now the End Begins, Wall Street Journal] Pope Francis told a gathering of bishops from around the world that the Catholic Church is being persecuted through accusations—an apparent allusion to clerical sex-abuse scandals that have undermined the credibility of the papacy and church hierarchy over the course of this year. If you’re waiting for Pope Francis … Read more

Tim Keller Tells Christians How to Vote, Says Jesus ‘Lost Power’ on Cross

Tim Keller writes in nuanced language. But in his latest column in the New York Times, the incarnation of the intellectual think-tank of the American religious left (as embodied in Tim Keller) has a simple message: Christians shouldn’t vote straight-line Republican. Projecting himself as above politics, the man who has asserted more times than I … Read more

Together with Matt Chandler

Over two years ago, I wrote a piece here at Pulpit & Pen entitled “Resetting the Evangelical Mindset on Nabeel Qureshi.” Qureshi was, at the time, a darling of the Christian apologetics community and an up-and-coming speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.  I expressed concern that the popular and well-respected apologist was participating in an event, Together 2016, with … Read more

Revoice, Concupiscence, and Cosmic Treason

The stage was set. A standoff with infinite consequences. Jesus Christ was brought face to face before the ruling authorities and political pressures of his day. He would either be acknowledged and accepted for who he is or wholly rejected. So it was written: “Jesus answered…To this end was I born, and for this cause … Read more

Rowland Springs Baptist Church and the Demonic Cult of Freemasonry: Part One – Silence and Conviction

This entry is part 27 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

The following article is the first of a three part testimony about my experience with the cult of Freemasonry at my former church, Rowland Spring Baptist Church.  Rowland Springs Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia and is a part of the Georgia Baptist Convention and Bartow Baptist Association. Pastor Joe Ringwalt stood up … Read more

What Other People Have Written About Beth Moore

On May 3rd, I published a piece entitled “A Letter Back to Beth Moore from Seth Dunn.”  This piece was published in response to a letter Beth Moore had written earlier that day about her struggles as a female Bible teacher and conference speaker in a male-dominated field.  She found no sympathy with me.  My … Read more

A Warning to Christians: Don’t Fall Into the Trump Trap

What is the Trump Trap you may ask? Well, essentially it’s a set-up. I hate to sound so conspiratorial. But a simple analysis of current events reveals the greater strategy at play, including the further watering down of biblical doctrine and truth. The election of Trump reflected the desperation of a nation continuously on the … Read more

Discernment in an Age of Propaganda

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of … Read more

Demolishing “Servus Christi” with Two Screenshots

Polemics ministries already face the oft-painted and unfortunate caricature of being “hyper-separationists” and “fundamentalists” who can’t play nice or get along with others. In spite of reiterating that we can find good things in the ministries of men, we may often criticize for one reason or another, still some accuse us of anathematizing people “just … Read more

On Mahaney’s Withdraw from TFG Conference and SGM Abuse Allegations

Sovereign Grace Ministries is an evangelical mega-church comprised of numerous campuses and churches throughout the United States, with branches in Australia, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Great Britain, Germany, and Mexico. Once known as “People of Destiny International,” the group began to call itself “Sovereign Grace Ministries” in 2003. Started by a “Charismatic Catholic,” Larry Tomczak, the organization … Read more