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Why Christians Don’t (and Won’t) Support Gun Control

Christians have a theological view of the world that is given us by the Holy Scriptures. Our epistemology, that is what we believe is true and why, is predicated upon our conviction that the 66 books known as the ‘Holy Bible’ is inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and true. In the overarching worldview through which we see … Read more

Is Homosexuality Really No Worse than Any Other Sin?

[Editor’s Note: This was written by Dr. Robert Gagnon] In my work on the Bible and homosexual practice I often encounter the argument that (1) no sin is any worse than any other sin; therefore (2) homosexual practice is no worse than any other sin.* Usually the comparison is then made with sins for which … Read more

What is Heresy? Is Arminianism Heresy, Part II

In case you missed it, we explained the definition of heresy in What is Heresy? Is Arminianism Heresy, Part I. Read it before you proceed. Somehow, James White has convinced people that we – that is, me, JD Hall and Pulpit & Pen – are “Hyper-Calvinists” and by that he means that we believe Arminianism … Read more

Bethel Now Endorsing ‘Christian Tarot Cards’ After All

Adapted with permission from a piece by churchwatcher on December 19, 2017 If the people of Bethel actually studied their bibles, they would notice that by the standards of today’s western Christendom Jesus was very judgmental at times. Consider His words to one of the churches in the book of the Revelation: “But I have … Read more

Christmas Series: Are Nativity Sets Biblical III? The Opinion of John Calvin

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Are Nativity Sets Biblical?

For the first several hundred years after Christ, images of any person of the Godhood (Jesus included) were strikingly absent from the church. By “strikingly absent” I mean, absolutely, completely lacking in any presence. Not rare, mind you – absent. Usebius, the pastor-historian, gave us insight into the church’s views on icons (images) when he … Read more

Some Clarity on Hyper-Calvinism: What it Is and What it Isn’t

Hyper-Calvinism is a sub-Christian doctrine. It is an enemy of Christ. If Hyper-Calvinism could be anthropomorphized into a person, he should be rounded up, hogtied and burned at the stake like Michael Servetus. I wanted to start out with clarity, so there you go. The questions are what is Hyper-Calvinism and who is guilty of it. … Read more

Why So Many Girly-Men? Blame the Birth Control Pill.

Where did all the effeminate sissy men come from? Part of the answer is “The Birth Control Pill.” First, a warning. AN OBLIGATORY WARNING ABOUT THE ABORTIFACIENT NATURE OF “THE PILL” The pharmaceutical drug called the “Birth Control Pill” shouldn’t be taken by Christian women, or any women who don’t want to inadvertently kill their … Read more

Is it Time to Bring Back the Black Robes?

The vestment, robe, or cassock used to be all the rage in Protestant evangelicalism. Although associated with Catholicism in the minds of American Christians, the historical reality is that the garment was called the “Geneva Gown.” It developed among the Reformers of Western Europe who rejected the dress of the Papist clergy, but whose preachers … Read more

Top Five Reasons to Watch the Hernandez-Zachariades versus Flowers-Pritchett Debate

The debate over the weekend with Sonny Hernandez and Theodore Zachariades versus Leighton Flowers and Johnathan Pritchet is the most interesting debate in recent years. It is…cathartic, to watch. You can see it below. There are five reasons, right off the bat, that you should watch this debate for yourself. 5. The Anethemas Hernandez uses the … Read more

My Visit to Steven Anderson’s Faithful Word Baptist Church, and the Surprises I Found There

I am a polemicist. This means that I study fraudulent, sub-Christian groups that disguise themselves as orthodox churches or Biblical movements. This also means that I go to places other people would ordinarily not go and sometimes do things that people in other fields of theological study don’t have to do. My library on the … Read more

Papist to Preach Politics at FBC Dallas

Protestants around the world are preparing to celebrate Reformation Sunday in commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of protesting the Roman Catholic Church. Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist pastor and regular political pundit, has invited a Roman Catholic radio and television host to come and discuss, “his faith and perspective on what is happening in America.” … Read more

UMC Lesbian ‘Pastor’ Accuses Jesus of Bigotry

A United Methodist church impastor, Karen Oliveto, is a practicing lesbian. She is also accusing Jesus – that is, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity – of having been a bigot. Currently, the United Methodist church is in a 75-week period dedicated to praying about whether or not the denomination should fully embrace sodomy … Read more