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Why Gentrification is a Beautiful Picture of the Gospel

The Social Justice movement in evangelicalism is a political movement, not a theological one. This is why the theology of those who are ‘woke’ into a life of endless virtue signaling suffers so terribly. The worldly philsophies and vain deceits that have taken them captive (Colossians 2:8), chiefly Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory are … Read more

SBC Newspaper, Word and Way, Says Pulpit & Pen is “Anti-Semitic” for Criticizing George Soros

Several months ago, I received correspondence from a publication called ‘Word and Way.‘ which reports on Missouri Southern Baptist news. I read it growing up, back when it was the de facto news publication of the Missouri Baptist Convention in my then native state. Brian Kaylor, the current editor and president of the publication reached … Read more

Why Social Justice is an Attack on the Local Church

There is no question as to exactly from where the new emphasis on Social Justice is coming from in American Evangelicalism. Whatever you want to say about Social Justice, whatever your position, and however you feel about it, you must acknowledge that the emphasis on righting perceived cultural wrongs as a new addendum to the … Read more

9Marks, SBC Leaders to Speak at Cultural Marxism Conference

Jonathan Leeman is the editorial director at 9Marx, the ministry founded by Mark Dever that once focused on helping local churches with their ecclesiology but now is a ‘woke’ Social Justice organization. Isaac Adams is a pastor at Dever’s church, Capitol Hill Baptist (he’s also a writer at Humble Beast, a hip-hop artist collective with … Read more

Jussie Smollett, Fake Hate Crimes, and a Biblical Perspective

Jussie Smollett will forever be known as the celebrity who put a noose around his own neck, paid his friends to lightly beat him up, and falsely claimed that MAGA hat-wearing Cretans gave him a racist and homophobic working-over. Fewer will remember the name of ‘Charlie’ Rogers, a lesbian from Lincoln, Nebraska, who carved a … Read more

Charismatic Southern Baptist Prophesies Denominational Unity in 2 Years

Do you remember back when Southern Baptists believed in the Sufficiency of Scripture because they were Cessationists like God intended? Ah, the good old days, when Southern Baptists and Pentecostals were distinguishable. A Southern Baptist pastor, Ronnie Phillips Jr, frequents charismatic preaching circles and is prophesying, supposedly under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that … Read more

Anthony Bradley: The Evolution of a Race-Baiter

Anthony Bradley is a professor of religious studies at The Kings College (New York), and chair of the Religious and Theological Studies Department. He is also the Director for the Center of Human Flourishing (the social department) at the institution and is a research fellow for the Action Institute. The Kings College, located in Manhattan, … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry to Lead Worship at Oneness Cult

Jackie Hill Perry is the popular Christian “spoken word” artist who is best known for her large gay fanbase (although she is “ex-gay,” Perry is incredibly popular among LGBT and trans-advocates for her message that “de-sins” same-sex attraction). Perry will soon perform at a Oneness Pentecostal church that denies the Holy Trinity. In an age … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry Meets With Lesbian, Agrees the Church Hurts “Queer Community”

Jackie Hill Perry is the militant progressive community organizer and still-butch but former lesbian who has – thanks mostly to Russell Moore, the ERLC, and the Evangelical Intelligentsia – earned top speaking gigs among the New Calvinist lecture circuit, and will even appear alongside John MacArthur at an upcoming conference. Perry preaches to women and … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Hijacks Pro-Life Movement to Push Marxism and Leftism at SBC Seminary

[Reformation Charlotte] On January 24, Thabiti Anyabwile was invited to deliver the chapel service at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Anyabwile began the sermon with a historical comparison of abortion to various other holocausts such as the African slave trade and the Jewish holocaust, rightly marginalizing abortion as having a far greater death toll than any … Read more

G3, Shepcon, and Social Justice – Clarity Needed from Phil Johnson and Josh Buice

There is a reasonable amount of controversy surrounding the speakers at the recent G3 Conference in Georgia (associated with Pastor Josh Buice of Prays Mill Baptist Church) and the upcoming 2019 Shepherds’ Conference in California (associated with Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church). The controversy does not concern the theological orthodoxy of these speakers … Read more

SEBTS Student Whistleblower Tells All About Social Justice Take-Over at Baptist Seminary

Jon Harris is a recent graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. After a break from on-campus studies for several years, Harris reports that the social justice take-over of the seminary in just a few short years was overwhelming. To be very clear, Harris alleges that the institution has taken a “left turn” and that the … Read more