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Baptist Ethics Head Comes Out in Full Support of LGBTQ Inclusion

An entity leader of a Baptist denomination in the United States has now officially come out in support of full inclusion for the LGTBQ among Christian churches. The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a split from the Southern Baptist Convention during the days of the Conservative Resurgence, has an entity known as the Baptist Center for Ethics. … Read more

Marxist Call for Workers to Unite “To Seize Means of Production” Made By Largest Federation of Labor Unions

The AFL-CIO, the largest federation of labor unions in the United States, has stirred controversy by tweeting a Marxist video and declaring: “We all need to seize the means of production.” Such language, contained in last week’s tweet promoting the video, is just the latest example of a risky emerging alliance between the rising socialist left and more … Read more

Get This Book to Help Fight the Social Justice Battle NOW!

JD Hall wrote The Benedict Arnold Option: Why Christians Must Not Retreat from the Culture Wars about two years ago, and it has since proven to be prophetic. A response to Rod Dreher’s Benedict Option, in which he encouraged Christians to retreat from the public Marketplace of Ideas, JD explained that a bigger battle was … Read more

I’m a Bigot. What’s Wrong with That?

I’m an evangelical Christian, who the exception of the Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws, don’t believe private Citizens should engage in physical violence. However, my viewpoints – which are in accordance with historical Christian thought and supported by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution – are largely considered bigoted. After being … Read more

The SEBTS Files: Detailed Proof that Critical Theory Has Taken Over Seminary

If you want to know what it looks like for avowed Marxists, globalists, political idealogues, and their dark money to take over a once-conservative seminary in the name of Social Justice, look no further than South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forrest, North Carolina. The SBC institution is the epicenter of the ‘woke’ movement … Read more

Gospel Coalition Contributor Begs Facebook to Ban Pulpit & Pen

The Gospel Coalition is a leftist political organization designed to infiltrate evangelical churches and change the demographic’s voting patterns, and it’s funded by progressive dark money. Its Council Members are largely responsible for the Great Awokening of Social Justice activism and the promotion of Critical Race Theory and Liberation Theology within evangelicalism. Heck, TGC ran … Read more

Millennials: Asking for Censorship is Conceding the Argument

Those who promote Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, and Black Liberation Theology should grasp the concept of basic civil liberties. Supposedly, they seek equality, and it is therefore incumbent upon them to understand the importance of the individual’s right to thought and expression. If their ideas had merit, however, they would not so quickly seek … Read more

Robert Gagnon Challenges Joe Carter’s Cultural Marxism Hypocrisy

Robert Gagnon, who has proven himself one of the preeminent champions of Biblical sexual ethics within academia today, recently challenged editor of the leftist Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter. The two figures really exemplify the divide in evangelicalism over this issue of encroaching Marxism. Before we post the words of Gagnon, it should be stated that … Read more

Is The Gospel Coalition Editor, Joe Carter, a Shameless Racist?

In a shocking turn of events, three-year-old words from Joe Carter have resurfaced that self-impugn him of racism. Carter is an editor for The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization designed to infiltrate evangelicalism for the sake of pushing the demographic leftward. Carter is also the ‘Communications Specialist’ at the SBC’s wildly progressive Ethics and … Read more

Moron, That’s Not What Happened: An Open Letter to Jared Wilson

Jared, Listen, we know you make a living primarily from your ability to make pithy tweets and shmooze shoulders with prominent evangelical celebrities. We get it. But our ability to stomach blind sycophancy has its limits, and that limit for us happens to be defiling intellectual honesty. And you, Jared, have been intellectually dishonest. It’s … Read more

Joe Carter’s Attack on “Cultural Marxism” Term Likely Borrowed from Southern Poverty Law Center

Joe Carter, a contributor at both The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), yesterday blamed the tragic San Diego synagogue shooting on kinism (a philosophy we’ll describe below). Likewise, Carter claimed that kinism is to blame for the term Cultural Marxism, and argues that anyone using the term is complicit … Read more

The Dismantling of Joe Carter’s Embarrassing “Racist Conspiracy Theory”

[P. Andrew Sandlin | Christian Culture] The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has been increasingly tolerant of and sympathetic toward the “social justice warriors.” Thabiti Anyabwile (aka Ron Burns), for example, champions leading tenets of Cultural Marxism (CM) under TGC rubric. He declared that whites should collectively repent for assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr. (Yes, he did write that.) … Read more

ERLC Council Member Says Christians are “Wolves” for Criticizing Beth Moore, Sam Allberry

Dave Miller wants to pink slip the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) because it’s a waste of money, serves no necessary purpose, and takes money away from real missions. Scratch that. Dave Miller wanted to pink slip the ERLC. After years of flattering servility, the soft-handed and paunch-swollen potluck-driven professional sycophant from Sioux City, … Read more

Swinging from the Gallows: A.D. Robles Goes Down

Lynching is not a phenomenon confined to the Reconstruction-era South. Social Justice advocates in the 21st Century, weaving white guilt into a noose, are experts at taking out noisy but effective opponents…one by one. I don’t know A.D. Robles. I mean, I don’t know-know him. We don’t hang out, in other words. And that means … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Attacks Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson has gleaned more understanding about God and his created order from natural revelation than leftist Christians have gleaned about God and his created order from special revelation. I started with the strongest statement on this issue I could make, and did so to form the thesis of this article. Jordan Peterson, who is … Read more