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Enemies Within the Church Conference, Oct 18-19

[Editor’s Note 9.6.19 – the name of the event has been updated to “Stand Against Marxism”] There has been a postmodern, leftist takeover within conservative Christianity.  Ungodly, socialist ideas are coming to prominence. These ideas include so-called social justice, intersectionality, critical race theory, and cultural Marxism. But faithful Christians everywhere are taking notice. This conference … Read more

Under Mohler’s Nose: SBC Seminary Professor Admits Critical Race Theory Shapes His Thinking

An SBC Professor: has declared that evangelicalism is ‘closely connected’ to white supremacy and that evangelical movement benefited from racism. The president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary said Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality result in Identity Politics and that identity politics is antithetical to the Gospel and devastating for the church. However, one of … Read more

Russell Moore Discusses ‘Social Gospel’ in New Video, Spectacularly Butchers the Topic

Russell Moore took to his new YouTube channel, which up until now has been used to discuss aliens, evangelizing clones, and bizarre, technology-focused conspiracy theories, to discuss “Social Gospel.” In doing so, Moore spends eleven minutes saying very little, and what he does manage to say is historically and objectively wrong. BACKGROUND Social Gospel is … Read more

Anti-Social-Justice Homeschool Curriculum to Help Protect Your Kids

A new homeschool curriculum is now available for those who desire to keep their kids from being indoctrinated by ‘woke’ indoctrination that seeks to subvert a Christian worldview. The curriculum is designed to teach children to value Christianity and its historic benefits to civilization and provides apologetic resources to help them reject the perversion of … Read more

James Dobson Warns Against Socialism Taking Over America

James Dobson, the 83-year-old founder and president of Family Talk, has seen the handwriting on the wall in regards to Marxism invading America, and he took to his newsletter in August to warn against leftists corrupting America through the sinister ideology. Dobson, who holds 17 honorary doctorate degrees and is an inductee to the National … Read more

SBC President Provides “Devotional” Demanding People Give Up Their White Privilege

Using the explicit terminology of Critical Race Theory and Identity Politics, the website belonging to JD Greear just posted a daily devotional explaining why Christians should be giving up their “privilege.” JD Greear is the ‘woke’ President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and you can read more about him here. Greear has recently been tweeting … Read more

Five Good Reasons Why Nationalism is Christian

Nationalism is not Christianity, but it is Christian. There is much confusion about the ideology of Nationalism in recent months, and much of it is being propagated by those who oppose Christianity altogether. Here are five good reasons why Nationalism is Christian, and why Christians should be Nationalists. This is an important topic to understand, … Read more

Beth Moore Deletes Anti-Homosexual Material From Past Writing

Beth Moore recently deleted portions of one of her past books in which she wrote about the sin of homosexuality. The Kindle version no longer includes the passage condemning sodomy as a transgression of God’s laws. As Beth Moore largely sidestepped an open letter from women asking where she stood on the issue, critics are … Read more

Don’t Be Fooled By Russell Moore’s Video on Socialism

He is a double-minded man, unstable in all of his ways. – James 1:8 Russell Moore, the communitarian leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC, recently made a video denouncing socialism by name. The problem is, Moore is a Democratic operative who has been advocating for Socialism for years. Don’t be fooled by this common … Read more

This is What Happens When the SBC Elected an Unqualified Woman Just Because She Was a Woman

The Southern Baptist’s annual meeting in Birmingham, as predicted, was a sniveling Social Justice fest. Flexing their muscles against conservative Southern Baptists in the pew, SBC leaders – by far, more progressive than the typical church member – signaled their politically correct virtue throughout the event. Snuck through without much noise, many thanks to more … Read more

SEBTS Secretly Scrubs Website of Critical Race Theory

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, which is the ‘woke’ epicenter of Southern Baptist life, just secretly scrubbed its website of material explicitly promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT). After widespread criticism that the SBC adopted a resolution in favor of CRT, written about in publications like Pulpit & Pen and The Federalist, it seems that SEBTS has … Read more

Let Me Explain How the SBC Just Officially Endorsed Marxism

I wasn’t glued to the Southern Baptist Convention live stream last week, as I usually am each year when the annual meeting rolls around. First, I’m writing from the lobby of the MT GOP Convention, as I’m carrying the proxy vote for my state senator. So, I’m busy. Second, as far as the SBC is … Read more

Special Lectures on Social Justice

The following three lectures were delivered at Capitol Heights Baptist Church in Bismarck, North Dakota by Pastor Hall on June 09, 2019. Their topics are social justice. Please note that audio quality provided on SermonAudio is better than the video quality. Social Justice Overview and Its Marxist Roots This is the first in a three-part … Read more

Disagreeing with Beth Moore is “Cyberbullying” and “Attacking,” Says Her SJW Allies

There are real-life consequences of the Social Justice Movement that extend well-beyond the daily Twitter orgy that regularly has evangelical SJW’s in a dogpile of slathering, self-flattering, virtue-signaling accolades and sensual backslaps. What the Social Justice Movement represents is an absolute undoing of evangelical conservatism. And we are seeing that undoing particularly in the realm … Read more