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Audio: The Real Reason James White is Silent on Albert Mohler

P&P Communications Manager, Cody Libolt, was repeatedly attacked and insulted by James White for asking him his position on Albert Mohler. Mohler intentionally hired Critical Race Theory advocates at SBTS and kept them on staff, after their CRT was revealed to the world. White will attack those CRT proponents, but not the man platforming, hiring, … Read more

‘The Great Awokening Conference’ THIS WEEKEND!

Join us for The ‘Great Awokening’ Conference on October 25-26 at the Parker First Baptist Church in Parker, South Dakota. The conference will include JD Hall (of Pulpit & Pen and Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, MT) Judd Saul (the director of Enemies Within The Church documentary), and Aaron Kilbourn (of Parker FBC). The conference will discuss Social Justice, … Read more

Liberation Theology: Social Sin the Only Sin Part 3

In order to understand salvation, one must be able to have some concept of sin. Sin is not limited to something that someone does outwardly, like lying or stealing, but includes our disposition, where sin subsumes our thoughts and mind as well. The definition of disposition is the inherent qualities of someone’s mind and character. … Read more

Let Me Explain That Laughter at Beth Moore Real Quick

When Dr. MacArthur told Beth Moore to “Go home” and stop preaching over the weekend, the audience laughed. Some people were infuriated not by the comment itself, but by the laughter of the audience. Here is one example of a well-meaning fellow who took exception with the laughter and found it confusing. The person writes, … Read more

Liberation Theology: A New “Christianity” Part 2

In 1959, the Roman Catholic Church, under the leadership of Pope John XXII created Vatican II, one hundred years after Vatican I. The First Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church was the twentieth ecumenical council that took place three centuries after the 1869 Council of Trent. Vatican II was a shock not only to … Read more

Watch ‘Stand Against Marxism’ LIVE – Oct 18-19th

The Stand Against Marxism conference is coming right up: Friday evening 10/18/19 and all day Saturday 10/19/19. We hope to see you there in person. But if you aren’t able to get to Des Moines this week, here is the next best thing: The conference will be offering access to attend online and watch all the presentations … Read more

Pro-Gay Campus Crusade Leader Calls for Black Out on Compromising Information

Matt “You can be gay and follow Jesus” Mikalotos, instructed Cru (Campus Crusade) employees to ignore the criticism he has been receiving about the surrender to heresy being committed by Cru’s top leadership. Matt Mikalotos, a well-known Cru leader, speaker, and author, and director of the Cru19 conference, called for a total blackout on the … Read more

How the SBC Went from Uber-Conservative to Ultra-Liberal on Sexuality, Race, and Gender in Just Five Years

 “Earnest Attention is Requested for this Paper…We are going downhill at breakneck speed.” – Spurgeon, The Downgrade Controversy I Who would have thought that a Democratic congressional staffer, if given control of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, would try to liberalize the SBC? Just kidding. Everyone should have seen that coming. The man is … Read more

Register Now: Stand Against Marxism Conference!

JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen would love to meet you at this event. Along with Steve Deace and Janet Mefferd, you probably don’t want to miss it. The conference is October 18-19 in Des Moines, Iowa. This is the place to be if you want to meet and pray with likeminded brothers and sisters—that God … Read more

Join Us at ‘The Great Awokening’ Conference October 25-26

Join us for The ‘Great Awokening’ Conference on October 25-26 at the Parker First Baptist Church in Parker, South Dakota. The conference will include JD Hall (of Pulpit & Pen and Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, MT) Judd Saul (the director of Enemies Within The Church documentary), and Aaron Kilbourn (of Parker FBC). The conference … Read more

Pastor Questions Bible’s Truth Because Not Enough Black People Helped Translate It

A contributor to Christianity Today, the default publication of the Evangelical Left, questioned the veracity of the Bible on the grounds that not enough black people helped translate its various English versions. Esau McCaulley, a contributor to Christianity Today (he had a race-baiting article in the publication just today) and proponent of Black Liberation Theology … Read more

Something Is Terribly Wrong at Southern Seminary

(For the New Christian Intellectual) Dr. Albert Mohler has been one of the most trusted men in the conservative evangelical world for decades. Much of that is due to his role in the latter stages of the conservative resurgence, in which he is rightly credited with bringing Southern Seminary back from the depths of theological … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Writings Defending Marxism, Terrorists, Anti-Semites Now Discovered

A popular contributor to Social Justice institutions like The Gospel Coalition and 9 Marks, Ron Burns (who now goes by the name Thabiti Anyabwile) wrote articles defending Marxism and radical anti-American and anti-Semitic terrorists. Anyabwile is a leading figure in the new Evangelical Left. And yet, the sin of racism seems to stain his past … Read more

Interview with Judd Saul of ‘Enemies Within the Church’

JD recently took time to talk with Judd Saul, the director for the upcoming Enemies Within the Church documentary. Enemies Within the Church is focusing on the advance of Marxism inside evangelical institutions and churches through groups like The Gospel Coalition and other parachurch ministries. You can watch a trailer below. JD discussed with Saul … Read more