JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen would love to meet you at this event. Along with Steve Deace and Janet Mefferd, you probably don’t want to miss it.
The conference is October 18-19 in Des Moines, Iowa. This is the place to be if you want to meet and pray with likeminded brothers and sisters—that God would win this battle that we cannot win alone.
It will also be a place to get equipped and connected so you can be in a position to help in the coming months. Please be there.
To get more details visit the site: StandAgainstMarxism.com
In case you can’t be there, do pray God will bless our efforts.
We hope you can make it out!
PS – There’s one other way you could help…
Could think of 5 people you know who would be interested, and send them this blog post?
One-to-one shares and social media shares really help.