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SBTS Slavery Report Results in Racial Disharmony, Calls for Reparations

The Gospel is designed to unify. Cultural Marxism is designed to cause division. When Cultural Marxism is propagated in the name of the Gospel, it gets division rather than unity. Endlessly signaling his Social Justice virtue, Al Mohler commissioned a taskforce at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to research the slave-holding history of the founders of … Read more

Bad News Beth Moore: America’s Most Popular Bible Teacher Makes Troubling Statement About the Gospel

The English term “evangelize” is derived from the Greek term εὐαγγελίζω.  Christians use the term “evangelize” to describe the Christ-mandated action of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others: His atoning death for sin, His burial, His resurrection, and His impending return.  Literally, to evangelize is to share the good news.  In fact, the … Read more

National Security Group Puts Out Dire Warning About Interfaith Dialogue

[Washington, DC] The Center for Security Policy, a Washington think tank comprised of former national security experts, has put out a dire warning about Christians engaging in Interfaith Dialogue. Written by national security experts, Bill Johnson (not of Bethel Church Redding ) and James Simpson, the report highlights the intentional use of Interfaith Dialogue by both … Read more

Russell Moore Suggests Renaming SBTS Chapel after Albert Mohler

Russell Moore, the most prominent protege of Albert Mohler, wants to rename the chapel at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, “Mohler Chapel.” Moore is a communitarian, leftist and social justice advocate in the vein of Sojourner’s Jim Wallis, with whom he serves on George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table. Moore has done more to push a radical globalist … Read more

“SBC Today” Finally Dies

The Not-So-Traditionalists, who claim to have a “traditional” Southern Baptist understanding of salvation but have in actuality adopted a rather new and novel 20th Century hodgepodge of Semi-Pelagianism, used SBC Today as its flagship blog for about as long as Pulpit & Pen has existed. In the beginning, there were a bevy of anti-Calvinist SBC … Read more

Evangelicals and the Encroachment of Cultural Marxism

[Center for Cultural Leadership] Cultural Marxism, a designation Leftist dvocates despise and naïve evangelical proponents reject, has always exploited Orwellian Newspeak to identify itself lest its origins with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels be exposed. It began long ago after Marxism’s failure to achieve worldwide revolution following WWI. Marxism began to morph under the ingenuity … Read more

Racist Charismatic Has Sermon Restored at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Website

[Southern Baptist Texan] According to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s chapel archives, a sermon by Dwight McKissic that was once withheld from the website is now available online. McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington and then-trustee of SWBTS, made news in 2006 when he preached a chapel sermon in which he admitted his personal … Read more

Is Cultural Marxism America’s New Mainline Ideology?

Another name for the neo-Marxism of increasing popularity in the United States is cultural Marxism.” This theory says that the driving force behind the socialist revolution is not the proletariat — but the intellectuals. While Marxism has largely disappeared from the workers’ movement, Marxist theory flourishes today in cultural institutions, in the academic world, and … Read more

SBC Seminary Promotes Critical Race Theory in 6-Part Blog Series

We first revealed that Danny Akin had threatened Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) faculty for criticizing “Critical Race Theory” back in June. Threatened with racial sensitivity training and possible firing, faculty were told not to even utter the term, Critical Race Theory, on their personal social media pages. Now, SEBTS has run a series of … Read more

Take It Down! Take it Down!

I posted a graphic of Kyle J. Howard, which made light of his speech impediment by (mis)spelling “racial trauma counselor” phonetically, how he says it.  Twitter exploded. I shouldn’t make light of his impediment because, frankly, it’s not very nice. I ignored previous, similar criticism because I thought it asinine that anyone believes Howard’s claim that … Read more

Wikipedia Correctly Notes Russell Moore is “Christian Democrat and Communitarian”

To be clear, Wikipedia has not called Russell Moore a “Democrat Christian,” but a Christian Democrat (which is a whole other thing, and we’ll explain). Also, Wikipedia did not call Russell Moore a “Communist,” but a Communitarian (again, we’ll explain). While it might be perceived as more salacious to accuse Moore of being a Democrat … Read more

Albert Mohler’s Social Justice Blacklist: Seeking Clarity from the Baptist Press

It’s no secret that Southern Baptist entity heads have threatened their employees not to sign the Dallas Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel. Albert Mohler at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) and Danny Akin at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) have both told staff that their signature on the statement will lead to their … Read more

Russell Moore ‘Likes’ Tweet Calling Social Justice Statement “Stupid”

It was Russell Moore’s hard push leftward that led – in part – to the Dallas Statement, also known as the Social Justice and the Gospel Statement. Moore, a former Democratic staffer who now works for George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table (Moore is also slated to speak at a Soros event in November) and has … Read more

The Injustice of Social Justice – John MacArthur

The following is John MacArthur’s third installment on the social justice movement in evangelicalism titled The Injustice of Social Justice.  The besetting sin of pragmatic, style-conscious evangelicals has always been that they shamelessly borrow fads and talking points from the unbelieving world. Today’s evangelicals evidently don’t believe the wisdom of this world is foolishness before … Read more