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The Alter Ego of Kyle J. Howard Wears Tights and a Cape

According to Kyle J. Howard, who earned a place at the head table with Russell Moore and Beth Moore at the MLK50 event, he has fought a long, hard battle against white privilege and understands the black struggle. Howard claims to have faced underprivilege, underrepresentation, explicit and implicit racism and had to claw his way … Read more

Ed Stetzer Attacks John MacArthur Over Social Justice

It’s hard to find a man who’s been more consistently wrong on important issues pertinent to evangelicalism than Ed Stetzer. Stetzer was an avid defender and compatriot of Mark Driscoll, before he was publicly disgraced and Mars Hill church collapsed like a pile of sand. Stetzer was a defender and compatriot of the Emergent Church, … Read more

As SBC Moves Egalitarian, Remember Russell Moore Promoted Patriarchy

I just made mention of the “old days,” which would be, in Reformed evangelical circles, about six months ago, and even earlier. – Douglas Wilson, here. The thing about the Downgrade – the theological notion defined here – is that it happens so quickly you hardly notice. It is, as Spurgeon said, “going downhill at … Read more

What is Complementarian Feminism?

What on Earth is happening? Why are all of these evangelical leaders pushing feminism and Egalitarianism from their social media accounts, and why does it seem so coordinated? Like a wave, from Danny Akin to JD Greear to The Gospel Coalition, these same evangelical individuals and groups that once lauded the Council on Biblical Manhood and … Read more

Is Southern Seminary a Dangerous Place for Minorities?

Victimology is the invention of Critical Race Theorists and Cultural Marxists, designed to oppress minority groups by making them identify with victimhood, which only results in stifling their innate genius, resolve, and ambition to better their own condition. By identifying as victims, even when there is no real victimhood, the division between identity groups grows … Read more

R.C. Sproul on (real) Social Justice

R.C. Sproul discussed social justice in this brief clip. What you’ll find is that Sproul correctly explains what justice truly is. Comparing it to our current discussion, you’ll see from Sproul’s brief exposition from the Book of Amos, that what is currently being promoted as “Social Justice” really isn’t a matter of justice at all. … Read more

Pratt Gave Gospel Better than Pence? Read the Dumbest Thing on Twitter Yesterday

It’s not easy going through life being stupid. You know, unable to reason, cognitively ill-prepared to weigh facts and evidence, intellectually aloof, cerebrally challenged…you get it. It’s especially hard to operate with a brain almost entirely programmed by the gods of this age while convincing others that you’re smart. And yet, that is exactly what … Read more

Why The Bible Condones American Immigration Policy

Here are the facts regarding the endless virtue signaling of evangelicals in relationship to the current (and manufactured) immigration “crisis” regarding children being separated from parents. First, people who invade our country illegally should be detained until they can be tried and dealt with according to the law. Second, we do not want to incarcerate … Read more

Revoice, Concupiscence, and Cosmic Treason

The stage was set. A standoff with infinite consequences. Jesus Christ was brought face to face before the ruling authorities and political pressures of his day. He would either be acknowledged and accepted for who he is or wholly rejected. So it was written: “Jesus answered…To this end was I born, and for this cause … Read more

Danny Akin, SEBTS, Allegedly Threaten Non-Woke Faculty with Sensitivity Training and Firing

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has been at the forefront of the Social Justice Wars of the SBC in recent months and years. A promoter of Critical Race Theory and Marxist Intersectionality, president Danny Akin has installed an Affirmative Action wing for the seminary – called the Department of Kingdom Diversity – and has promoted the … Read more

Marx in Sheep’s Clothing

False teaching has entered the Church like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, masquerading as “Social Justice”, but bearing sharp teeth of division concealed behind puckered up lips. The wolf is intent to tear the Church apart, ripping and pulling wherever it can. It finds especially vulnerable issues wherever worldly culture has Christians thinking wrongly. Those … Read more

The #MeToo Movement Takes Out Paige Patterson

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) trustees were under immense outside pressure during yesterday’s meeting to oust long-term president and bulwark of the Conservative Resurgence, Paige Patterson. Patterson, an old war-horse of conservative evangelicalism, has survived many scandals over his tenure. From protecting rapist, Darrell Gilyard to enrolling Muslims in the seminary as an evangelism strategy, … Read more

Joe Thorn To Take Part in Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory Event

Tatting up his knuckles with “1689,” the year of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, Joe Thorn cemented himself as the token representative of old-school Reformed Baptists for a new generation. The bearded hipster, who advertises his cigar and alcohol choices like George Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel, is popular among New Calvinists, the large subset of … Read more