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Driscoll Goes Word of Faith?

Mark Driscoll was taken on stage over the weekend by Word-of-Faith and Prosperity Gospel teacher, Robert Morris. Driscoll shared some stories about his family’s struggles that, if true, are heartbreaking. More concerning, Morris clearly has been providing counsel to Driscoll during this time (even regarding his resignation from Mars Hill) and – in our opinion … Read more

SBC Leadership Thinks You’re Stupid

In case you need another reason the leave the nation’s largest awful denomination, add to it the fact that its leadership thinks you have an IQ of Jory Micah. Over the last decade, P&P has chronicled roughly 4,396,301 reasons why you should leave the Southern Baptist Convention (I’m rounding up). Literally, a new reason is … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Compares Kyle Rittenhouse to Mass shooter Dylan Roof

The Gospel Coalition, seemingly on a suicide mission to shed whatever last vestiges it had as a credible gospel-centered organization, released an article by member Dr. K. Edward Copeland that compared the actions of 17-year Kyle Rittenhouse who shot three assailants in self-defense in Kenosha, to the Charleston Church shooter Dylan Roof. The post, which … Read more

With Latest Comments, SBC President J.D. Greear Is Officially a Race-Baiter

As another black man is shot by police after an interaction with law enforcement, Southern Baptist Convention President JD Greear has taken to social media and declared that the spine-shattering shooting happened on account of racism, an all-too-familiar pronouncement from the denominational leader who is slowly assuming the role of “Al Sharpton for Evangelicals” on … Read more

MI Church Plays 10-min Q-Anon Conspiracy Video Before Service

A Michigan church pastor “went there” during his July 5th Service when he played a nearly 10-minute Q-Anon Conspiracy youtube video for his congregation before the Sunday morning worship. The Q-Anon video, which we’ve posted below, was played at Rock Urban Church in Grandville, Michigan during the July 5th service. The church, led by Pastor … Read more

CHAZ Shooting “Victim” Wants to Sue Cops for Not Being There to Help

Imagine rogue anarchists forcefully take over six blocks of a major U.S. city to ostensibly protest the police and immediately order law enforcement out of the area. Now imagine that area is predictably taken over by lawless violence. That happened in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle, and what was characterized as a … Read more

Chuck Pierce Burns Counterfeit $20 on Stage to Rebuke the ‘Sneaky Quid Spirit’ that Lead to George Floyd Death

We thought our recent post Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades was the strangest sequence words we’ve ever strung together, but as the aforementioned title suggests, we think we have it beat. Charismatic rockstar and arch-heretic Chuck Pierce, back from his trip to the US/Mexico border where he took … Read more

Bethel Music Under Fire for Putting on Impromptu Concert at George Floyd Memorial

Bethel Church has come under fire for being “opportunisric white colonizers” after Bethel Music musicians visited the George Floyd Memorial in Minneapolis and put on an impromptu worship concert, complete with all the charismatic shenanigans that accompany such an event. Sean Feutch, a worship leader at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, brought … Read more

A Letter of Sincere Apology to the Black Community

We have been deeply moved in recent days by apology letters or public declarations of lament written on behalf of predominately Caucasian Christian organizations to our black friends and neighbors. As Christians in the Baptist tradition, we especially took note of Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear, championing the slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ in his … Read more

VIDEO: “CHAZ” Protestors Sexually Assault/Choke Street Preacher

The “Capitol Hill Free Zone” (CHAZ) is a six-block area of Seattle taken over by warlords in the name of racial equality. Using the death of petty criminal, George Floyd, as an excuse to riot, steal, and vandalize public and private property, the gangsters have run off the police and erected a border wall around … Read more

Black Privilege: Why Are Seattle Anarchists Coddled When Malheur Protestors Were Murdered?

“Now some say it is unfair to hold disadvantaged children to rigorous standards. I say it is discrimination to require anything less — the soft bigotry of low expectations.”  George W. Bush, penned by speech-writer, Michael Gerson A group of peaceful protestors took over a small section of uninhabited public land in the Pacific Northwest. … Read more

Activist Group Amasses over 11,000 Signatures in 3 days to Fire Albert Mohler from SBTS

Faithful America, a radical “Christian” organization that describes itself as “the largest online community of Christians putting faith into action for social justice” has amassed over 11,000 signatures for an online petition in an effort to fire Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler for “enabling racism and attacking the Episcopal Church” as well as … Read more