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I’m releasing Monday’s episode of the Pulpit & Pen Program early because Southern Baptists in Louisiana need to hear it before they go to church tomorrow. If you know someone in Louisiana in particular, please share it with them. Louisiana College will be appealing local churches for money, and Louisiana Baptists need to know this … Read more

Racism Didn’t Kill George Floyd…Leftists Did.

The story is altogether too common. A black man allegedly resists arrest, only to be man-handled with excessive force and killed by police. No doubt, it’s a tragedy. But why are America’s leftists blaming racism and not the police state? Leftist evangelicals, in particular, are quick to blame racism and “whiteness” for the incident, despite … Read more

Founders Ministries Contributor Refers to Woke Leftists as “Progressive Conservatives”

In Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, the antagonist “Big Brother” invents a new language because the rulers know that if they control language they can control thoughts. “After all, what justification is there for a word which is simply the opposite of some other word? A word contains its opposite in itself. Take ‘good’, for instance. … Read more

Charismatic Southern Baptist Prophesies Denominational Unity in 2 Years

Do you remember back when Southern Baptists believed in the Sufficiency of Scripture because they were Cessationists like God intended? Ah, the good old days, when Southern Baptists and Pentecostals were distinguishable. A Southern Baptist pastor, Ronnie Phillips Jr, frequents charismatic preaching circles and is prophesying, supposedly under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that … Read more

Disgraced Ergun Caner Joins Robert Jeffress at “Camp Meeting”

Ergun Caner resigned from Brewton Parker College in Georgia after a sexting scandal and multiple adulterous relationships (including at least one with a faculty member). This is after African American students protested his presidency when he made repeated racist remarks (including saying that someone had “ni**er-di*cked” him). Then, Caner filed for divorce from his wife, … Read more

Good Masons and Dead Masons: Euharlee Lodge #457 F&AM

This entry is part 15 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

“Freemasonry focuses on making good men better through its teachings.” Worshipful Brother Paul Weathers, Oasis Lodge #52 This post is the first in a series which examines the obituaries of members of various Masonic lodges in the United States.  Obituaries, which are intended to memorialize the lives of the departed,  include significant details about the … Read more

The Irrelevant Christine Caine … A Dingo Ate My Legacy?

“ … in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.  2 Peter 2:2 In Revelation 2:20, Christ chided the church of Thyatira in no uncertain terms.  “I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls … Read more

Southwestern Seminary Uses Chapel Time as Commercial for Anti-Calvinism Group

Paige Patterson gave the chapel ‘sermon’ time to small church pastor and blogger, Rick Patrick, who gave what amounts to a commercial for a group that exists to “counter-balance” Calvinism in the SBC. After obligatorily thanking Patterson for the Conservative Resurgence and propagation of the doctrine of Scriptural Inerrancy, Patrick went on to give his … Read more

Steve Gaines Tampers With God’s Word – Practices Cunning, Disgraceful, Underhanded Ways

**Note, This is part 1 of our series, Seven Days of Gaines. “For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.” –2 Corinthians 2:17 “We have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in … Read more

SBC Mosque Builder Russell Moore Defends Rendering Unto Caesar What Belongs To God

Russell Moore, President of the SBC’s Ethics And Religious Liberty Commission, faced a direct question from a messenger at the denomination’s annual meeting regarding his intentional support of Muslims in a lawsuit petitioning for the overturning of a New Jersey township’s ruling denying them a building permit for construction of a mosque.  The First Amendment … Read more

Southern Baptist Lava Lamps – Douglas Wilson

The Southern Baptist Convention is in decline because it’s elevating cultural engagement and political activism over biblical truth. The lead ethicist, Russell Moore, is partnering with Muslims (in contradiction to 2 Cor. 6:14, Eph 5:11, etc.) to advocate for mosque building. I believe in religious freedom too, but it’s not an idol, and we shouldn’t … Read more

No More Discernment. Seriously.

I’m so tired. I’m tired of discernment. I’m tired of polemics. I’m tired of watching the other guys who produce material for Pulpit & Pen report on yet another obvious departure from orthodoxy. I’m tired of seeing the articles and news stories and screenshots and tweets and YouTube videos posted in the infamous Pulpit Bunker. The … Read more

Are the Proletariat Revolting Against the Cooperative Program?

If you’re not a Southern Baptist, you probably don’t care. If that’s the case, read something else at Pulpit and Pen that may interest you. But if you are a Southern Baptist, you may just care that there appears to be some common sense thinking going on out there in SBC-land, and common sense thinking … Read more

Saddle Up! Rick Warren and the SBC's spiritually hazardous line-up.

By now, it’s no doubt that Rick Warren has not let the criticism from fellow believers, advice from his colleagues, or even the Word of God stand in his way of promoting questionable practices, ideas and beliefs in his ministry at Saddleback Church. In the past, he has promoted (and currently still does promote) unbelievers … Read more