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Mohler/SBTS Book Store Selling Gay-Affirming Feminist Author

Albert Mohler tweeted out a photo of his “favorite section of the new bookstore at Southern Seminary.” Aside from the book rack being a buffet of woke theology, one book in particular caught the attention of more conservative-minded Christians. It’s a book by a gay-affirming feminist. If you notice the book in the far right … Read more

You And Your Sissy Food Allergies…

I’m lactose intolerant. I also can’t eat green stuff (I’m surviving somehow). Allow me to go cry about it, while I make a meme about how intolerant you are with your ice cream socials and salad bars. Actually, no. As a sufferer of lactose intolerance and what is probably diverticulitis I have a simple strategy…don’t … Read more

Jerry Falwell Jr Takes Russell Moore to the Woodshed

Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr., is well-aware of the Southern Baptist Deep State and is ‘on to’ Russell Moore. The son of Moral Majority leader, Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr., Falwell’s talents include political prowess as much as theological acumen. This leaves Falwell especially suited to sniff-out and bark at liberals masquerading as religious conservatives. … Read more

Why Flat Earth is Stupid

In the plot of the movie, Idiocracy (which I don’t recommend), the human race gets gradually dumber until it reaches a level of functional retardation. While the film is crass and comedic, there is truth to the premise. Humanity is not getting smarter. Pick up virtually any book from the English-speaking world printed in the … Read more

Disagreeing with Beth Moore is “Cyberbullying” and “Attacking,” Says Her SJW Allies

There are real-life consequences of the Social Justice Movement that extend well-beyond the daily Twitter orgy that regularly has evangelical SJW’s in a dogpile of slathering, self-flattering, virtue-signaling accolades and sensual backslaps. What the Social Justice Movement represents is an absolute undoing of evangelical conservatism. And we are seeing that undoing particularly in the realm … Read more

Beth Moore is Still Being Abused by Men, And it Should Stop

BETH MOORE, ABUSE VICTIM During the media outrage caused by the fake allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, Beth Moore came forward as a victim of sexual abuse. Using the #whyididn’treport hashtag, Moore said, “He lived in my house.” Immediately, Moore began to receive the positive accolades of the evangelical leftist elite who would have been content … Read more

Woke Evangelical Leader Says ‘Black People Can’t Be Racist’

Jemar Tisby is the president and co-founder of The Witness: A Black Christian Collective, formerly known as the Reformed African American Network (RAAN). Educated at the James Riady-funded Reformed Theological Seminary, perhaps the most-woke Reformed seminary in the country, Tisby is a popular figure among Social Justice advocates in evangelicalism who are looking for a … Read more

The Forgotten History of Memorial Day: Why the Holiday Should Bring Blacks and Whites Together

While many progressive-leftist evangelicals, like The Gospel Coalition’s Ron Burns, have used Memorial Day weekend to remind us of America’s racist past, the rest of us should use the opportunity to create a sense of racial unity by celebrating the holiday. Burns, who chooses to use his Black Nationalist name, Thabiti Anyabwile, used his Twitter … Read more

#MLKToo: Civil Rights Icon and Baptist Minister’s Sexual Misconduct Revealed in Detail

In April of 2018, the Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) jointly hosted the MLK50 Conference. The stated purpose of the conference was “to reflect on the state of racial unity in the church and the culture” fifty years after the assassination of venerated civil rights … Read more

“Fully Woke,” Reformed Theological Seminary Starts ‘Women in Ministry’ Scholarship

Reformed Theological Seminary is funded by James Riady, the corrupt globalist Clinton financier and felon who was prosecuted and kicked out of the United States for using foreign cash to influence the American political system. After several years of generous donations to RTS, led by its chancellor, Ligon Duncan, the once-conservative Reformed seminary now embraces … Read more

Surprising No One, “Revoice” Conference Pastor Comes Out As Queer

Chalk this up as a big fat surprise, but the controversial Revoice Conference host, Greg Johnson, came out as a homosexual yesterday in Christianity Today. The LGBT conference that was endorsed by ERLC research fellow, Karen Swallow Prior, and lauded by many evangelicals, refused to let in former homosexuals who had been converted to Christ. … Read more