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To Jackie Hill Perry: God Wants Christians Straight

Dear Jackie, My friends at Protestia recently published yet another critical article about you. Their latest critique is about the recent statement you made about scripture and sexual orientation: “It can sound righteous to say ‘God wants you to be straight,’ but I’ve yet to read anything in the 66 books of the scriptures that implies that. … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry: Enneagram is “Demonic”

In a recent video posted through Instagram, Jackie Hill Perry decried the Enneagram as “demonic”. Not only did Perry condemn the Enneagram in the strongest possible terms, she apologized for using her platform to promote it in the past. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jesenia Fleurey (@jeseniafleurey) Since Perry is a … Read more

‘Answers in Genesis’ Disinvites Jackie Hill Perry from Conference

Pulpit & Pen was notified last week that Jackie Hill Perry had been disinvited from the upcoming Answers in Genesis Conference. This follows on the heels of a controversy two weekends ago, after Perry endorsed Jenn Johnson of Bethel Church and later defended her actions by claiming that Word-Faith theology isn’t heretical. After receiving emails … Read more

Defending Bethel Church, Jackie Hill Perry Says Word-Faith Teaching Is Not Heresy

A contributor to The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, and the ERLC – a butch lady preacher and Same-Sex Attracted ‘spoken word artist’ named Jackie Hill Perry – is only making things worse for herself as she’s trying to defend her endorsement of Bethel Church and Jenn Johnson over the weekend. From Reformation Charlotte: “Last week, … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry Embraces Bethel Cult, Discernment Leaders Silent [See Editor’s Note at End for Update]

A popular Intersectional celebrity who regularly preaches alongside men like John MacArthur recently endorsed a leader in what is perhaps the most radical sub-Christian and hyper-charismatic cult in America. Jackie Hill Perry, a militant social justice warrior and subversive LGBTQ speaker, fully embraced Bethel Church’s Jen Johnson over the weekend. Perry, who is heavily promoted … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry: When Will You Say Pedophiles Are Heroes Too?

Last week Jackie Hill Perry retweeted a TED-talk that seeks to normalize pedophilia.  Perry, the celebrated Evangelical ex-lesbian, author of “Gay Girl, Good God”, and self-proclaimed “writer, rapper, preacher, poet,” provoked a tweet storm when she posted an excerpt from this highly provocative video. Her only commentary: “I knew this was coming.” “We should accept … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry to Lead Worship at Oneness Cult

Jackie Hill Perry is the popular Christian “spoken word” artist who is best known for her large gay fanbase (although she is “ex-gay,” Perry is incredibly popular among LGBT and trans-advocates for her message that “de-sins” same-sex attraction). Perry will soon perform at a Oneness Pentecostal church that denies the Holy Trinity. In an age … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry Meets With Lesbian, Agrees the Church Hurts “Queer Community”

Jackie Hill Perry is the militant progressive community organizer and still-butch but former lesbian who has – thanks mostly to Russell Moore, the ERLC, and the Evangelical Intelligentsia – earned top speaking gigs among the New Calvinist lecture circuit, and will even appear alongside John MacArthur at an upcoming conference. Perry preaches to women and … Read more

PSA. Our Editorial Use of the Label ‘Homosexual/ Lesbian’

Given some of the commentary we received from our recent post on Jackie Hill Perry, we here at Pulpit & Pen wanted to clear up any confusion or misapprehension about or use of the label ‘homosexual’ or ‘lesbian’ to describe different professing Christians, so that everyone has absolute clarity. This has been our longstanding practice … Read more

Effeminate Men Can’t Go to Heaven

In a world in which even evangelicals have softened their stance homosexuality, of which God could not be clearer in the Scripture he detests, denouncing the sin of effeminacy is long abandoned. Largely thanks to the influence of the ‘Gospel Coalition‘ which maintains a whole harem of lesbians on their writing and speaking platforms (Gilson, … Read more

ERLC Leader Says Denying Trinity is Just a “Small Doctrinal Difference”

Russell Moore’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is stacked with the most vehement proponents of ‘woke’ social religion that they are now defending Steven Furtick by claiming that a belief in the Holy Trinity is only a “small doctrinal sliver of difference.” As Reformation Charlotte has previously reported, Susan Codone serves the ERLC leadership … Read more

Study Shows Calvinist / Reformed Pastors More Likely to Approve of Gay Marriage Than Others

The heresy-peddling retail outlet for the Southern Baptist Convention, Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources, has released a poll demonstrating a huge upswing in the percentage of mainline Protestant pastors who approve of sodomy-based marriages. The survey demonstrates a surge from 32% approval for gay marriage in this group in 2010 up to 47% in 2020. The study … Read more

Citing ‘Frozen,’ The Gospel Coalition Says Artists are Prophets and Intercessors

There is definitely a hoity-toity, pinky-stuck-out, latte-sipping, scarf-wearing, queer vibe at The Gospel Coalition these days. And it’s not just from the whole gaggle of lesbians who write for the social justice organization (there’s quite a few including Rachel Gilson, Rebecca McLaughlin, Jackie Hill Perry, and so on). The organization seems to be influenced largely … Read more