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Apologia Elders, Including James White, Should Step Down for Clergy Misconduct

As Pulpit & Pen has previously reported, Apologia Church secretly recorded clergy-penitent conversations to archive and later use for retaliatory purposes. After we reported that Apologia’s secret sin confession recordings found its way on YouTube (with both Durbin and White using it to threaten Tim Hurd), the church was silent for days while many of … Read more

Pervert Roman Catholic Priest Celebrating ‘Gay’ Behavior in Animals

A morally perverted Roman Catholic priest in the United States lauded homosexual animals as a part of his LGBT-normalizing campaign. For the sake of moral clarity, humans shouldn’t turn to animals as our ethical exemplars. They also occasionally eat their young and murder their mating partners. The Roman Catholic version of ‘Revoice‘ and their own … Read more

Trump Rejecting Daily Prayers Offered by Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi responded to a reporter in a press briefer about their intent to impeach the president, “I pray for the President all the time.” The entire nation rolled their eyes and sarcastically, slowly nodded in an “I bet you do” expression. Donald Trump chimed in on national sentiment, saying in a tweet yesterday, “I … Read more

British Lesbians Risk Fetus’ Life to Engineer World’s First Two Womb Baby

Two self-indulgent British lesbians have used science to laugh in the face of God. In a new “shared motherhood” procedure provided by the London Women’s Clinic, Jasmine Francis-Smith gave birth to a boy, Otis. The boy was conceived by IVF from an egg donated by Jasmine’s lesbian partner, Donna Francis-Smith. In a medical first, the … Read more

How to Recognize a Cult

Christians ought to train their powers of discernment to be ready to defend the good and denounce the evil. Paul commends those who reason carefully about what they hear—and who do not simply follow the persuasive power of a famous leader. “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word … Read more

Church of Sweden Places Gay Artwork Behind Altar

St. Paul’s Church in Malmo, Sweden, has released brand new artwork behind the church altar of a LGBTQ revision of the Garden of Eden. Although there were only two figures in the Garden of Eden, the Biblically-illiterate display shows eight homosexuals inside the garden of God, some in a romantic embrace. The website for the … Read more

ERLC Says You Must Fight Poverty to Be “Pro-Life”

Using a talking point from the Democratic Party, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention claimed in a recent website article that you can’t really be pro-life if you aren’t trying to eradicate poverty through wealth redistribution. Entitled We Can’t Be Pro-Life if We’re Not Fighting Poverty—written by a women’s … Read more

SBC President Greear Describes Politically-Neutral, Social Justice Future of SBC

While repeating the word ‘gospel’ enough to remove all meaning from the word’s actual definitional usage, almost as a slogan or catch-all term to preemptively pacify or confuse critics (a common strategy among progressives), Greear gave his imagination for the Southern Baptist Convention’s future. Speaking to the leftist political organization, which is partnered with George … Read more

SBC Seminary Fires Professor For Teaching that God Will Change the Heart of Homosexuals

[Capstone Report] I was asked by many readers of our story to share the entire statement. Here it is: Dallas, Texas – A prominent professor at Southwestern Baptist has been dismissed from the well-known seminary for his position on same-sex relationships and his advocacy for victims of same-sex abuse. Professor Robert Oscar Lopez, who is formerly gay … Read more

Pastor Loses Job, Gets Death Threats For Saying ‘Pride’ Events Harmful to Children

Christian pastor Keith Waters suggested on Twitter that Christians should not be supportive of gay pride events as they are harmful to children and promote activities that are against the Christian faith. “A reminder that Christians should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities … Read more

Listen to this Contemporary Imprecatory Song, “All The Wolves (Will Go To Hell)”

There are lots of imprecatory psalms and even a few imprecatory hymns, but there are few, if any contemporary imprecatory songs. An imprecatory song is one which invokes judgment, calamity, or curses upon one’s enemies or those perceived as the enemies of God. This song, All the Wolves, is written, produced, and performed by Billy … Read more

Pope Says “Fundamentalists” Are the Enemy

Attacking ‘fundamentalists’ seems to be all the rage these days. From yesterday’s Dividing Line program with James White to Beth Moore’s frequent barbs, being a fundamentalist sure seems like a major faux pas. Even the Pope of Rome is joining those on both the left and right who think fundamentalism is a bad thing. Pope … Read more

Finish Creating ‘Enemies Within the Church’ Film

There has been a hostile postmodern takeover within conservative Christianity. Postmodernism includes agendas commonly known by the terms social justice, intersectionality, critical race theory, and Neo-Marxism. The film “Enemies Within the Church” will expose those who are selling out the Church to postmodernism—and the money behind it. The project is now 70% funded. Please help … Read more