Reinhard Bonnke was a pivotal part of the movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation, a heretical sect that taught that Apostles continue into the modern era. Furthermore, Bonnke believed himself to be an Apostle on par with those of the Holy Bible. This morning, Bonnke found out he was not Apostle when he passed into judgment.
Bonnke was one of the first in the 20th Century to be so bold as to claim Apostleship. He was routinely called an “Apostle” by those in the New Apostolic Reformation.

Additionally, Bonnke taught the Kenotic gospel heresy (that Jesus emptied himself of all divinity when he became incarnate), and also insinuated that Jesus is not still human after his ascension. Like most in extreme charismaticism, Bonnke taught that a second baptism “in the Holy Spirit” (which to him, meant speaking in estatic gibberish) was necessary for salvation (source link).
This is a video (below) of Bonnke ‘anointing’ the bi-sexual, whoremongering abusive drunkard, Todd Bentley.

Bonnke was proud of his association with Benny Hinn and claimed, like Hinn does, to have done (unsubstantiated and undocumented) healings, signs, miracles, wonders, and mighty deeds.

In Revelation 4:4, it is revealed that there are 24 thrones in Heaven. Although some consider this picture to be metaphoric, almost all Christians recognize these seats as belonging to the 12 Patriarchs of Israel and the 12 Apostles.
This morning, Bonnke discovered that one of those seats is not reserved for him.
Please pray for Bonnke’s family in their grief and please pray for all those who were misled by this false teacher.
…where a tree falls, there it lies (Ecclesiastes 11:3)
We dedicate the above video in Bonnke’s honor.