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JD Greear Butchers Micah 6:8; Confuses Justice and Mercy

It’s no wonder that the President of the Southern Baptist Convention is a Social Justice Warrior when he mishandles a verse that many catechized children know from their youth, especially as it pertains to justice. JD Greear, the pastor of Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, recently botched his exposition of Micah 6:8 so badly … Read more

Tullian Tchividjian Back in the Pulpit at “Leave A Mark Church,” Columbus Ohio

Tullian Tchividjian, the grandson of Billy Graham who has been forced into resignation in two ministry positions for repeated extra-marital affairs, finds himself back in the pulpit today and tomorrow at “Leave A Mark Church” in Columbus, Ohio. Tchividjian once pastored D. James Kennedy’s Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church but was defrocked by the Presbyterian Church … Read more

Hillsong Christmas Musical Trailer Depicts Jesus Born in a Bar

Increasingly, Hillsong Church’s Christmas musical productions seem to break the blasphemy barrier of the year before. In 2015, Hillsong made international news for a “Sleazy Night” Christmas special, which was a cabaret and burlesque-type show that incorporated Christmas hymns. At the time, charismatic apologist, Michael Brown, defended Hillsong from critics, claiming that they meant well  … Read more

Episcopal Church to Host “Requiem Mass: A Queer Divine Right”

An Episcopal cathedral is hosting a gay musical composition that borrows from the Latin Mass. The composer says the work is “a radical appropriation of a European, patriarchal tradition, the formal Latin Mass, which we reinterpret through the lens of the marginalized LGBTQ experience.” Apparently, appropriation is okay so long as its religious and not … Read more

The Dangerous Delusion of the New Doctrine of Diversity

As the world turns, so turns the churches. As the culture trends, so trends the churches. And the world is turning, and the culture is trending in the direction of diversity. Diversity has been all the rage for quite some time in corporate America. It has now weaved its way into the churches so that … Read more

Lysa TerKeurst Promotes Prosperity Gospel in Latest Book

A new book was released this week by Lysa TerKeurst , and I want to earnestly caution believing friends against running out to get it or hopping on Amazon to order it. She is an exuberant writer and speaker and has experienced great triumph over intense difficulties in her life, but these things alone do … Read more

Priest Lies About Cancer Diagnosis, Spends Donations on HIV-Positive Dating Website

[Lifesite News] A Mississippi priest who lied about having a rare form of cancer defrauded his parishioners of thousands of dollars, federal investigators allege. An affidavit filed in U.S. District Court, Jackson, Mississippi by Homeland Security Special Agent William G. Childers alleges that Father Lenin Vargas Gutierrez used money given to him by parishioners for … Read more

CRTV Cancels Greg Locke After P&P Warning

Greg Locke is the celebrity Facebook evangelist who had an ongoing relationship with his secretary and put away his wife on a bus. He lied about his relationship with the secretary and claimed his wife wanted to leave. Pulpit & Pen found his wife at a shelter, who explained that she desperately wanted to come … Read more

270 Thousand Embezzled from James McDonald’s Harvest Bible Church (Less than 1% of Giving)

James McDonald, whose megachurch joined the SBC in 2015, has been busy frivolously suing blogger-journalists for hurting his image by having the audacity to publish true things. Harvest Bible Church made McDonald step down from his position as “president” of the organization in 2017, but retaining him as a celebrity teacher. As Pulpit & Pen reported … Read more

Marxist, Tim Keller, Says Private Property Not an Absolute Right

  Carl Trueman laughably claimed Tim Keller couldn’t be a Marxist on one single and solitary ground; Keller is a theist. Apparently, Trueman was unaware that Liberation Theology (to which Keller explicitly subscribes), a tenet of Marxism, was invented by Roman Catholics…who are theists. Keller, of course, is a Marxist by every discernible standard. Furthermore, … Read more

Russell Moore Suggests Renaming SBTS Chapel after Albert Mohler

Russell Moore, the most prominent protege of Albert Mohler, wants to rename the chapel at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, “Mohler Chapel.” Moore is a communitarian, leftist and social justice advocate in the vein of Sojourner’s Jim Wallis, with whom he serves on George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table. Moore has done more to push a radical globalist … Read more

Nadia Bolz-Weber: “No Shame in Ethically Sourced Porn”

Nadia Bolz-Weber is the former pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints (which the church body refers to as an acronym – HFASS – and they pronounce it “half-ass”). She recently resigned her position there to take up a full-time itinerant ministry, as she has grown in wild popularity on the lecture circuit. The tall, overly-pierced … Read more

Why Christians Vote Republican (and should continue to)

On the eve of the 2018 mid-term elections, evangelicals are being told how they should vote. Do not think we’ve failed to take notice that many of those who attempt to guide our vote have little regard for the Scripture themselves. This has not stopped a great many from telling us that our Christian faith … Read more

Tim Keller: Darwinian Evolutionist

By Toni Brown, BTWN “In order to be true to my own principle, I won’t bother you with information about the different views of the flood. Let me just lay out my own assumptions. I believe Noah’s flood happened, but that it was a regional flood, not a world-wide flood…those who insist on it being … Read more