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The Biblical Answer to Migrant Caravan is Bombs and Bullets

The Biblical solution to the migrant caravan preparing to invade the United States includes bombs and bullets. As a pastor and theologian, the answer is clear to me. A nation has a right to sovereign borders. The invasion of sovereign borders by those who are not permitted therein should be met with judicial force. To … Read more

“SBC Today” Finally Dies

The Not-So-Traditionalists, who claim to have a “traditional” Southern Baptist understanding of salvation but have in actuality adopted a rather new and novel 20th Century hodgepodge of Semi-Pelagianism, used SBC Today as its flagship blog for about as long as Pulpit & Pen has existed. In the beginning, there were a bevy of anti-Calvinist SBC … Read more

Off Point: CRTV Partners with Disgraced Pastor Greg Locke

One of the newer players in the conservative media marketplace is CRTV.  The online subscription service (it’s basically Fox News for millennials) has made a name for itself by providing no-nonsense, right-leaning news commentary and features popular figures such as Steve Deace, Allie Beth Stuckey, Mark Levin, and Phil Robertson. CRTV now also features disgraced pastor … Read more

Evangelicals and the Encroachment of Cultural Marxism

[Center for Cultural Leadership] Cultural Marxism, a designation Leftist dvocates despise and naïve evangelical proponents reject, has always exploited Orwellian Newspeak to identify itself lest its origins with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels be exposed. It began long ago after Marxism’s failure to achieve worldwide revolution following WWI. Marxism began to morph under the ingenuity … Read more

Evangelicals Can Save the Mid-Terms, If They Go Vote

[Vox] Conservative evangelical Christians put Donald Trump, of all people, in the White House because they believed that his administration would bring them big wins on the issues they care most about. That bet paid off handsomely — on abortion, perhaps their top issue, and on much more — during the first two years of Trump. Those … Read more

Bible Belt Church Says “God is Gender Fluid” on Church Sign

Tulsa is often referred to as the “Buckle of the Bible Belt.” It is home to Oral Roberts University and for decades has been one of the various national epicenters of evangelical charismaticism. Oklahoma itself ranks within the top ten states for church attendance (and the furthest state west, not counting Utah), and Tulsa is … Read more

Racist Charismatic Has Sermon Restored at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Website

[Southern Baptist Texan] According to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s chapel archives, a sermon by Dwight McKissic that was once withheld from the website is now available online. McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington and then-trustee of SWBTS, made news in 2006 when he preached a chapel sermon in which he admitted his personal … Read more

Influential Evangelical Leader Now Embraces Polyamory, Says it’s “Holy, Welcome and Celebrated”

This is is Brandan Robertson. He is an emerging personality on the religious left. Robertson pastors Missiongathering Christian Church, a San Diego church affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. Robertson graduated from  Moody Bible Institute. He has written in  The Washington Post, Tim Magazine, and The Huffington Post. He also speaks at the Wild Goose Festival, a liberal religious gathering … Read more

Young People, Stop Acting So Gay

I made a comment last week about “ex-gay” Christian celebrities who still identify as (celibate) homosexuals and who, frankly, still act gay. You know what I’m talking about…they are light in the loafers, limp in the wrists, smooth in the elbows, plays for the other team, queer as a three dollar bill. I’m talking Jonathan … Read more

Is Cultural Marxism America’s New Mainline Ideology?

Another name for the neo-Marxism of increasing popularity in the United States is cultural Marxism.” This theory says that the driving force behind the socialist revolution is not the proletariat — but the intellectuals. While Marxism has largely disappeared from the workers’ movement, Marxist theory flourishes today in cultural institutions, in the academic world, and … Read more

Former SBC VP Calls for Affirmative Action in Denominational Hiring

[Sioux City, Iowa] Dave Miller, aka The Company Man™, is a 2nd Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention, an office typically reserved for non-celebrity pastors. Think of it as “throwing a bone” to the little guys, while most other major offices are staffed by denominational superstars and major conference speakers. Miller is the owner-operator … Read more

Social Justice “Buzz Words” and Why We Should Not Use Them

Biblical Trinitarian The “Conversation” We All Need to Have Having spent years reading and studying post-modernist/post-structuralist philosophy prior to my conversion, it is worrisome to hear how much postmodernist jargon has crept into so many churches. The current “social justice” movement among professedly evangelical brethren is, it seems, the main source of such jargon, but … Read more

Tim Keller is a Marxist: A Response to Carl Trueman

I rejoice in Tim Keller having to finally address whether or not he is a Marxist. I rejoice because rarely – and I mean rarely – do the Evangelical Intelligentsia respond to anything. They follow the advice of Ligon Duncan, the “woke” president of Reformed Theological Seminary (a major financial recipient of Socialist billionaire and … Read more

“Anti-drugs” Mormon Church Agrees to Support Utah Medical Marijuana

Buzzfeed News The governor of Utah described the plan as a compromise with the Mormon Church, which has fiercely campaigned against medical marijuana. Just weeks before Utah voters were expected to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, Gov. Gary Herbert announced a compromise between pot advocates and the powerful Mormon Church, which had fiercely opposed the … Read more

Agents of Betrayal in the Church

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. The original can be found here. AGENTS OF BETRAYAL: WILL EVANGELICAL INFLUENCE BE RUINED FROM WITHIN? WHICH TRUSTED EVANGELICAL LEADERS HAVE SOLD OUT THE FLOCK AND WHY. Note: This author is focused on the church and the serious infiltration of the … Read more