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SBC Seminary Promotes Critical Race Theory in 6-Part Blog Series

We first revealed that Danny Akin had threatened Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) faculty for criticizing “Critical Race Theory” back in June. Threatened with racial sensitivity training and possible firing, faculty were told not to even utter the term, Critical Race Theory, on their personal social media pages. Now, SEBTS has run a series of … Read more

Confessions of a Calvinist Fundamentalist

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ (Colossian 2:8) The exhortation from Paul is clear; do not let anyone enslave and carry you away by philosophy, empty but deceitful words, or … Read more

Vouching for Kyle J Howard

Author’s Note:  Last week, a controversial tweet was sent from the Pulpit & Pen twitter account which included a cartoon caricature of Kyle Howard.  This post was planned in advance of that tweet and is unrelated to its submission or the negative reaction it received.   Kyle J. Howard is a self-described “racial trauma” counselor. To his credit, … Read more

Is this the Worst Pastor Job Listing EVER?

If this isn’t the worst pastor job listing ever, it’s close. Although this has been written about at both the Social Gospel Coalition and Relevant Magazine, it’s time to dissect this at Pulpit & Pen. The badness of this job listing is palpable. It’s so bad that even the two aforementioned organizations lifted it to … Read more

Innocent Woman Assaulted by Faith Leader #BelieveWomen

Dear Christians, This is my open letter to evangelical women who, like Beth Moore, are courageously championing the movement hashtagged #BelieveWomen and #WhyIDidntReport. While many evangelicals have cast aspersions upon the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez regarding their accusations of sexual impropriety committed at the hands of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, … Read more

Andy Stanley Embraces Textbook Antinomianism

Antinomianism (Greek: ἀντί, “against” + νόμος, “law”), is any view which rejects legalism and is against moral laws. An antinomian is one who takes the principle of salvation by grace through faith to the point that they assert the believer is not bound to follow the Moral Law contained in the Decalogue or Ten Commandments. Yeah. So…that’s pretty … Read more

Homosexual Subculture Thrives at Catholic Seminary

Ireland – Two years ago, David Marsden resigned his position at St Patrick’s College in Maynooth, Ireland. Today, he told the publication, Lumen Fidei, why he resigned. According to Marsden, there is a thriving homosexual subculture at the college that is widely accepted and embraced by the Roman Catholic oversight. St. Patrick’s College is the nation’s … Read more

Jen Hatmaker: Jesus Came to Affirm the LGBT Community

When Pulpit & Pen first warned about Jen Hatmaker, she was still one of Lifeway’s best-selling authors. Eventually, she crossed the threshold into heresy such that not even Lifeway could tolerate (and that’s saying something). Hatmaker, a popular mommy-blogger and pseudo-Christian teacher came out in support of the sin of sodomy in 2016, and Lifeway … Read more

Together with Matt Chandler

Over two years ago, I wrote a piece here at Pulpit & Pen entitled “Resetting the Evangelical Mindset on Nabeel Qureshi.” Qureshi was, at the time, a darling of the Christian apologetics community and an up-and-coming speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.  I expressed concern that the popular and well-respected apologist was participating in an event, Together 2016, with … Read more

Albert Mohler/ERLC Redefining Family and Focusing LGBTQUI+ Inclusion Audit

Editor’s Note: This has been reposted with permission. It has long been this writer’s view that knowing the eternal love and compassion of God and His nature to forgive—to forestall judgement, acknowledge humble repentant hearts and to be, the wonderfully articulate word, “Longsuffering,” in the language of King James—that God’s judgment is best understood by … Read more

Mohler Calls Tim Keller’s Brand of Social Justice “Toxic.” Supports it anyway.

Recently in a Q&A with students, Albert Mohler explained his stance on Social Justice, now pushed heavily by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and basically anyone within Albert Mohler’s sphere of influence. Only seven short years ago, Mohler was against Social Justice and took the negative side of the debate with Jim Wallis, arguing that it … Read more

Full Marxist: Gospel Coalition Says You Must Give Away Your Wealth to Be “Just”

The Gospel Coalition, which has a substantial problem differentiating between law and gospel, also has a difficult time differentiating between justice and mercy. The parachurch organization led by Marxist, Tim Keller, is a recipient of funds from both George Soros and James Riady (two powerful globalist and socialist billionaire financiers) and serves the purpose of … Read more

Roman Catholics Blame Pedophile Scandal on Gay Conspiracy to Hurt Church

If you threw a rock into a crowd of Roman Catholic priests, you would hit a pedophile. While vocational stereotypes aren’t foolproof – like that of postal workers becoming violent or lawyers being scumbags – there is no doubt that the propensity for pedophilia among Roman Catholic clergy is more than coincidentally high. In fact, … Read more

The Strange Coalition Against MacArthur’s “Social Justice Statement”

Technically, it wasn’t John MacArthur who was most responsible for The Dallas Statement, also known as the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement.” MacArthur’s name, however, stands out as hovering above the rest in notoriety. In actuality, the statement was very much a grass-roots effort of concerned evangelicals who have stood witness as a political … Read more

Why “Justice” is Not the Mission of the Church (In the Most Simple Terms Possible)

Is doing justice a major component of the New Testament Church? Many want to know, and the Dallas Statement on Social Justice answers the question in the negative. Others, who don’t know that conservative evangelicals (including Albert Mohler) universally condemned “Social Justice” a decade ago, are flabberghasted that anyone argues that Social Justice isn’t part … Read more