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Joel McDurmon: Individuals Should Fork Over Wealth to Racially Reconcile

You might remember when Joel McDurmon, the heir apparent of Rushdoony’s decaying and rotting corpse of Reconstructionism, son-in-law of Y2K conspirator and economist, Gary North, believed that Biblical “justice” required stoning homosexuals. There was a time, back before our debate on theonomy, when Joel McDurmon was an actual textbook theonomist. He has since redefined theonomy … Read more

What You Need to Know About the Dallas Statement on Social Justice

I don’t think people adequately understand the significance of The Dallas Statement (as I call it) and its reception. Let me put some thoughts down here and explain exactly what has happened and what is happening. As someone who has been covering the mission drift of the Young, Restless and Reformed (YRR) into social progressivism … Read more

A Line in the Sand: The Dallas Statement on Social Justice

Pulpit & Pen was the first to report on The Dallas Statement, also known as The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel when we revealed that Dr. Albert Mohler had been forbidding Southern Baptist Theological Seminary faculty from signing the forthcoming document. The document is now public and has received over 1600 signatures at … Read more

Albert Mohler Forbids SBTS Faculty From Signing “Social Justice Statement”

Pulpit & Pen has been aware for some time that a statement has been drafted that opposes the anti-Gospel mission drift of the so-called “Social Justice Movement.”* Called informally (by me, anyway) the Dallas Statement (its official name is the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement“) has affirmations and denials designed to clearly articulate the … Read more

Russell Moore to Speak at George Soros Event

Russell Moore will be a plenary speaker at the National Immigration Forum, an organization formed and funded by Democrat financier, George Soros. The purpose of the National Immigration Forum is to advance the cause of amnesty for illegal aliens, demolish national sovereign borders, and establish a global government. In short, the National Immigration Forum would … Read more

MacArthur Launches Second Salvo Against Social Justice

After eagerly waiting for the elder theologian to enter the fray on the topic of Social Gospel, deceitfully renamed Social Justice, Dr. John MacArthur waded into the controversy last week with his first article on the subject. He was quickly maligned as being a white supremacist, as “fighting ghosts,” and was accused of “attacking racial … Read more

Ed Stetzer Attacks John MacArthur Over Social Justice

It’s hard to find a man who’s been more consistently wrong on important issues pertinent to evangelicalism than Ed Stetzer. Stetzer was an avid defender and compatriot of Mark Driscoll, before he was publicly disgraced and Mars Hill church collapsed like a pile of sand. Stetzer was a defender and compatriot of the Emergent Church, … Read more

Bethel Faith Healer, Beni Johnson, Seeks Medical Treatment for Cancer

We should pray for healing to come to faith-healer, Beni Johnson, who has recently announced having cancer. Beni is the wife of Bill Johnson, with whom she serves as co-lead pastor of Bethel Church. Bethel Church in Redding California famously has their School of the Supernatural, where they practice simony and for an exchange of … Read more

Rosebrough Explains What’s Wrong with Servus Christi

What’s wrong with Servus Christi? Well, the obvious warning signs are all there. Like Satan, he twists the Scriptures and applies a (Biblical) call to godly separation to an infinite degree, essentially anathematizing the entire Body of Christ and severing it limb from limb (which is not the Scripture’s teaching). Like Satan, Servus Christi’s goal is … Read more

“Pastor” Greg Locke Offers Free TV and Threatens to Beat Me Up

“The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having … Read more