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A Top Freemason Speaks Out Against the Craft: An Interview with Former Eminent Grand Commander Glenn Beck

This entry is part 29 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Some months ago, a Tennessean named Glenn Beck reached out to me regarding my research into and publications about the unbiblical nature of the cult of Freemasonry.  Glenn is a Southern Baptist Deacon and Sunday School teacher.  He is also, perhaps, the most decorated Freemason ever to leave the craft and speak out against it.  … Read more

A Local Disaster: County Baptist Association Calls on David Barton

My grandfather was a World War II veteran.  He was a part of the 10th Mountain Division, which fought the Axis Powers in Italy.  He was a gregarious storyteller and relayed to our family more than a few humorous tales of his wartime service.  If my grandfather had traumatic experiences during the war he did … Read more

Revoice Founder, Nate Collins, Says Really Gay, Stupid Things

[Editor’s Note: This article uses some colorful adjectives in the description of Nate Collins’ Q&A with Christianity Today. We might be wise to give it a PG rating.]   According to the Center on Addiction, homosexuals have twice the rate of drug addiction than their heterosexual peers. If Nate Collins’ Q&A at Christianity Today is … Read more

Ed Stetzer and Wheaton Partner with Prophetess, Christine Caine

A lady of the night needs a man to facilitate their transactions of transgressions. And no matter how liberated or independent today’s female preachers seem to be, they need men in positions of authority to assist them in their sin of leading astray the church’s more vulnerable and impressionable weak women (2 Timothy 3:6). For … Read more

Robert Gagnon: Concerns With the upcoming Revoice Conference and “Spiritual Friendship Folk”

[Editor’s Note: This is a weird post. First, it’s a re-post from Douglas Wilson at Blog and Mablog, which is a re-post from Dr. Robert Gagnon. We have occasionally run Gagnon’s Facebook posts – which are often lengthy and astute – with permission. We are running this with Wilson’s commentary without permission, and hope he … Read more

The Fine Line Between Faith and Politics, Part 2

Protestant Reformer, John Calvin, effectively summarizes our scriptural gauge and righteous place in a hostile world. The moral law is our compass: …let us take a succinct view of the office and use of the Moral Law…this office and use consist of three parts. God’s law serves multiple functions in the lives of not … Read more

Is This Lightshow Worshipful?

Lost people are like ravens. They’re attracted by loud noises and shiny objects. Jentezen Franklin’s latest “revival event,” the Forward Conference, had a world-class light show to entertain the worldlings in the audience, ostensibly with the understanding that reverent worship of the One True God and Bible preaching would not be enough to hold the … Read more

Matt Chandler Preaches Charismatic Poppycock

Something eventually happens to everyone who calls themselves a Charismatic Calvinist;” they eventually become all of one thing and none of the other. Like with Mark Driscoll, the charismatic side of the Charismatic Calvinist grows and grows more wildly out of control as claims of dubious supernatural manifestations grow so pervasive that it strangles out … Read more

This Denomination Makes Strong Statement Against Gay Sexual Identity

Currently, member churches and leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) are quickly evolving on the topic of Same Sex Attraction (SSA). The chiefest change of ideology is that being “gay,” or suffering from SSA, is an identity that one can keep without shame or repentance. These purported intellectuals … Read more

Gay “Christian” Woodstock Taking Place This Weekend

The “Wild Goose Festival” is a four-day extravaganza of music, interactive story-telling, “reconciliation yoga,’” and “progressive Christian mysticism.” In other words, is a big, gay, fake-Christian Woodstock. Taking place July 12-15, the Wild Goose festival boasts a whole gaggle of evangelical and gay-affirming speakers that include Jen Hatmaker, Tony Campolo, Frank Schaeffer, Shane Claiborne, and … Read more

Even Catholics Notice Southern Baptists Compromise on LGBT

LifeSite News is a Roman Catholic press outlet, and the following article was written by Brian Camenker and posted there first.    July 13, 2018 (Mass Resistance) – In April 2017, Rev. Tom Littleton of Alabama gave a chilling talk on “How the LGBT movement is infiltrating conservative churches” at the MassResistance Citizen Action Conference in Austin, … Read more

Complementarianism Isn’t Complicated: Women in Ministry

Complementarianism is not complicated. Complementarianism has never been complicated. It’s so simple a learning-disabled chimpanzee could figure it out through sign language. The concept has never been befuddled, muddled, muddied, blurred or beguiled. Southern Baptists – who are always positive that they are well beyond compromise or progressive Downgrade – have suddenly decided that complementarianism is … Read more

Disgraced Ergun Caner Joins Robert Jeffress at “Camp Meeting”

Ergun Caner resigned from Brewton Parker College in Georgia after a sexting scandal and multiple adulterous relationships (including at least one with a faculty member). This is after African American students protested his presidency when he made repeated racist remarks (including saying that someone had “ni**er-di*cked” him). Then, Caner filed for divorce from his wife, … Read more