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Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves RNS Amidst Contract Dispute

Jonathan Merritt, who has had one foot in the closet since at least 2012 when a homosexual man outed Merritt as his one-night-stand lover, is a press ally of the left-wing of evangelicalism that has been slowly but surely taking over the Southern Baptist Convention and other evangelical institutions. The son of a one-time president … Read more

Presbyterians in Ireland Show Guts, Hold Fast Against Sodomy

Belfast, Ireland – Day after day, we receive news of the Downgrade in the world’s Christian denominations when it comes to the issue of sodomy (unnatural affections). The Presbyterian Church USA, American Baptists, United Church of Christ, United Methodists, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC and the Presbyterian Church of America … Read more

Furtick Boasts In Doubting Jesus; Says Nobody Fully Believes

Steven Furtick recently preached a message to his congregation, stating that he had doubts in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Furthermore, he claimed that no one in the congregation fully believed these things. You can watch the video, with commentary and explanation provided below. When discussing the “Sinner’s Prayer” given at the end … Read more

Will God Bless America? By John MacArthur

In this era of terrorism, poverty, oppression and a few less-distinct enemies, waves of patriotism occasionally revive the slogan “God Bless America.” Sadly, though, the sentiment long ago became a cliché to which people rarely give serious thought. The phrase is even seen, ironically, on bumper stickers adjacent to other bumper stickers expressing humanistic and … Read more

Willow Creek Leaders Denounce Hybels, Apologize to Victims

When allegations first surfaced of Bill Hybel’s sexual sin at the Willow Creek megachurch, church leaders insinuated that the women and their testimonies were untrustworthy. An internal investigation was launched by Willow Creek into Hybels’ behavior, initially with just one woman known to cooperate with the investigatory committee. According to the Chicago Tribune, which spearheaded … Read more

Is Southern Seminary a Dangerous Place for Minorities?

Victimology is the invention of Critical Race Theorists and Cultural Marxists, designed to oppress minority groups by making them identify with victimhood, which only results in stifling their innate genius, resolve, and ambition to better their own condition. By identifying as victims, even when there is no real victimhood, the division between identity groups grows … Read more

Steven Anderson Busy Fighting Oneness Doctrine Inside His Church

Steven Anderson is the Tempe, Arizona pastor, the one with a colorful personality and infamous YouTube presence best known for sermons about Jesus wearing britches, urinating against the wall, and praying imprecatory prayers against the POTUS. Anderson has been on Alex Jones’ Info Wars, and even more famously, was tased on camera by U.S. Border … Read more

Rowland Springs Baptist Church and the Demonic Cult of Freemasonry: Part Two – Stepping on the Snake

This entry is part 28 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

The following article is the second of a three part testimony about my experience with the cult of Freemasonry at my former church, Rowland Spring Baptist Church.  Rowland Springs Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia and is a part of the Georgia Baptist Convention and Bartow Baptist Association. Defending the Faith I … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior Glib About Dining with Planned Parenthood

There is really no God-hater with whom Karen Swallow Prior would not join herself in fellowship. Some more charitable souls than myself view Prior as just a simple-minded woman who, like an evangelical and female J. Quincy Magoo, has somehow found herself in the upper echelons of the Evangelical Intelligentsia, irrespective of her woeful lack of self-awareness … Read more

Southern Baptist Lesbian Divorces Husband, Happily Brings Lover to Church

There are untold myriads of homosexuals in Southern Baptist churches. Of that, there is little doubt and of no surprise. Many homosexuals have taken the path of Jonathan Merritt, the homosexual son of former SBC president, James Merritt, and live a lifestyle of ambiguous sexuality. Some are emboldened toward a trend in once-conservative evangelicalism that … Read more

United Methodist Church Seeks to “Discipline” Jeff Sessions for Enforcing the Law

Attorney General Jeff Sessions quoted Paul in his defense of enforcing laws and consequences. Hillary Clinton quoted Jesus to support the violation of laws and repudiation of consequences. Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, and the United Methodist Church all have one thing in common. They all ignored Clinton’s butchering of Matthew 19:14 (as though “suffer not … Read more

Why The Bible Condones American Immigration Policy

Here are the facts regarding the endless virtue signaling of evangelicals in relationship to the current (and manufactured) immigration “crisis” regarding children being separated from parents. First, people who invade our country illegally should be detained until they can be tried and dealt with according to the law. Second, we do not want to incarcerate … Read more