This is is Brandan Robertson. He is an emerging personality on the religious left. Robertson pastors Missiongathering Christian Church, a San Diego church affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. Robertson graduated from Moody Bible Institute. He has written in The Washington Post, Tim Magazine, and The Huffington Post. He also speaks at the Wild Goose Festival, a liberal religious gathering referred to as a “Gay Christian Woodstock,” which we have previously written about here. Most recently, Robertson claimed that polyamorous relationships (having intimate sexual relationships with multiple people, such as in an “open marriage”) is “holy, welcome and celebrated.”
Robertson tweeted this out last week…
In honor and support of @QTheology recent webinar on non-monogamous relationships, I want to share this word that I spoke to our congregation on the topic this summer:
#FaithfullyLGBT pic.twitter.com/ygiud05lED— Brandan Robertson (@BrandanJR) October 18, 2018
Robertson then posted a video (now deleted) in which he says the following (as transcribed by Juicy Ecumenism, here)…
“For those who are in an open or polyamorous relationship here this morning who might be squirming, because this is an uncomfortable question to hear in church sometimes. I want you to hear me loud and clear as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your relationships are holy. They are beautiful and they are welcomed and celebrated in this space.”
“We call all of us together to the same set of standards that we call everyone to: to seek to follow Jesus in all of our relationships. To seek to be honest and respectful and self-sacrificial and consensual and loving with your partners. When any of us live into these standards we can be sure we are on the path to wholeness and holiness.”
Robertson is – according to Vice Magazine – one of the “Woke Young Evangelicals Trying to Make Christianity Cool Again.” We compared him and others highlighted by Vice to Russell Moore here.
If that’s what “cool” is, no thanks.
[HT Juicy Ecumenism]