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‘Christian Minister’ Claims Pre-Marital Sex is Not Sinful

Three false ministers, including one who identifies as homosexual and another as polyamorous, recently told the Huffington Post that they believe that sex before marriage is “not sinful,” and that it is rather “unreasonable,” “outdated and silly” to expect people to stay chaste until marriage. One said that he doesn’t “judge” those who choose to … Read more

Pastors Publish Letter Condemning Evangelist for Open Air Preaching

Imagine every day for nearly seven years you go to the same part of town and preach the Gospel. Imagine being spat upon, occasionally accosted, and regularly cursed, all because people hate God’s law and find no use for God’s Gospel. Now, imagine local pastors gather together to co-write and sign a letter publicly condemning … Read more

Nadia Bolz-Weber to Melt Purity Rings and Make Graven Image of Female Genitalia

[Huffington Post] What should Christian feminists do with their old “purity” rings, symbols of a patriarchal theology that has harmed countless women? Melt them down, says progressive Christian author and theologian Nadia Bolz-Weber, and create something completely new. On Monday, Bolz-Weber issued a call on Twitter for people to send her those rings “for a massive art … Read more

Twitter Bans “Deadnaming.” In related news, Bruce Jenner is STILL a man.

Twitter has now banned “deadnaming,” which means referring to “transsexuals” by their real names (“transsexual” is scare-quoted because it’s scientifically impossible to change your sex, so no “transsexual” actually exists or has ever existed). Deadnaming can also refer to calling anybody by their real name, instead of the fake name they prefer. For example, when … Read more

Why You Should Not Turn the Lights Dark During Worship

Here’s why you should not turn the lights dark during worship. 1. By default, spotlights are on the stage. The people on the stage then have “the spotlight.” People should never have the spotlight (Jesus should). This creates celebrities, emphasizing the spectator-model rather than participant-model of worship. Dark theaters are for cinema, bars and music … Read more

Angry Women Create Their Own “Feminist Bible Version”

[France 24] GENEVA  – Tired of seeing their holy texts used to justify the subjugation of women, a group of feminist theologians from across the Protestant-Catholic divide have joined forces to draft “A Women’s Bible”. As the #MeToo movement continues to expose sexual abuse across cultures and industries, some scholars of Christianity are clamouring for a … Read more

How Jesuits and George Soros Are Instigating the American Border Crisis

Jesuit priests, since the early 1600s, have been seeking to undermine English common-law and Protestantism in the New World. Sent into the world to undermine Protestant nations in the name of Catholicism, the Jesuit order became suppressed in various nations like Portugal, France, Malta, Spain, Austria and Hungary in 1763 as these nations determined that … Read more

Salvation Army Uses Aryan Brotherhood to Ring Red Kettle Bells

Two Hell’s Angels bikers were photographed with the famous “red kettle” and ringing the Salvation Army kettle bell. They were photographed with several patches on their biker gear, some which are assumed racist (like the Confederate flag patch) and others that are much less-ambiguously racist (a patch that says “Aryan,” a reference to Nazi anti-semitism). … Read more

James White Joins Controversial “Booze and Tattoos” Church

Apologia Church is the congregation that became embroiled in a controversy after the Christians News Network posted an article about a number of questionable fundraisers undertaken by the church. On two separate occasions, church members hosted separate events that exchanged booze and tattoos (respectively) for money designated to a Hawaii church plant. Christian News Network … Read more

Tim Keller Espouses More Marxism on Twitter

By every conceivable understanding of Marxism, Tim Keller is a Marxist. While his own words testify against him in books like Generous Justice, his tweets continue to daily testify against Keller’s denials that he’s a Marxist. Tweets like this cannot be explained away from his defenders, like Carl Trueman, who absurdly claimed that he can’t … Read more

Roman Catholics Persecute Protestants in Mexico, Shutting Off Their Water, Refusing Burial

[Chiapas, Mexico] Roman Catholics are persecuting evangelical Protestant Christians in Mexico. Among other things, like cutting off the water supply to their homes, the local government has now refused to let one family bury the body of their mother. Authorities in the village of Ranchera Yocnajab (in the state of Chiapas) are refusing to let … Read more

Lifeway Helps SBC Fudge Membership Numbers Amidst Denominational Decline

Amidst denominational decline, Lifeway Christian Resources has helped to fudge the numbers of membership, baptism and active churches in the SBC. Even in spite of their dishonest reporting and shameful spin, the denomination continues to shrink. As the nation’s largest Protestant denomination becomes increasingly liberal and progressive, the actual numbers show that their leftward trajectory … Read more

Race Baiting: Beth Moore and the Black Sheep

So agree. It’s way past time to inventory our personal libraries, to add to them where they are woefully lacking & to quit being clay theologically shaped by only one shade of hands. That needs to be over. It has failed and robbed us. For starters, Jesus didn’t have white hands. — Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) … Read more