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Powerful Christian Media Group Stands Up Against Tech-Giant Censorship!

Pulpit & Pen has been throttled by Facebook (however, we believe the trottle is now over or at least reduced). Facebook banned P&P’s publisher after posting an article that correctly states Bruce Jenner’s gender. Some of our affiliate media groups have been put on notice by Google Adsense that their politically-incorrect (Christian) content will get … Read more

Difficult Days Lay Ahead for Harvest

[World Magazine] Five years ago, Harvest Bible Chapel, a Chicago-area megachurch with multiple campuses and an average weekly attendance exceeding 12,000, sent shock waves through the Christian community when it publicly excommunicated two former elders and indirectly censured a third. The edict was news beyond Chicago because James MacDonald is Harvest’s pastor: His Walk in the Word radio and … Read more

The Glaring Racial Hypocrisy of Albert Mohler and Russell Moore

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. Article originally posted at Thirty Pieces of Silver. Southern Baptists and the Social Justice Voter: The Dreadfully Racial Annual SBC Meetings Coming to Birmingham, Alabama in 2019 Pictured above is Albert Mohler at the SBC Dallas 2018 panel discussion on “Removing the Stain … Read more

9MARKS Mark Dever and Fabian Socialist

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. The article was originally posted at Thirty Pieces of Silver, “9MARKS DEVER AND FABIAN SOCIALIST TRAINED EDITOR: HOW TO DITCH YOUR PRO-LIFE VOTING HABIT.” Mark Dever and 9MARKS Jonathan Leeman discuss politics and Leeman’s Fabian Socialist Education at London School of … Read more

Mohler’s Pandering to Racialists Backfires, as They Now Demand Reparations from SBTS

Albert Mohler, who has slowly been turning the once-great Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from a bastion of solid theology to a center for social religion and Neo-Liberalism, recently released a report on the racist beginnings of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). In a pandering, patronizing overture to racialists (those who are fixated on race) – … Read more

Watch: Mom Sings Creepy Lullaby at Clinic “Blessing” Claiming Baby Wrote Song Before She Aborted Her

[Life News] A pro-life group has released an unbelievable video of a mother singing a creepy lullaby that her baby “gave” her before she killed her baby in an abortion. The woman sang the song recently at a “blessing” of a local abortion clinic in Ohio by pro-abortion clergy. In Columbus, Ohio, that image of a mother … Read more

The SJW Boycott of Pulpit & Pen Failed…Miserably. Here’s why.

Last week, leftists and Social Justice Warriors called for a boycott of Pulpit & Pen, which is independent and often times blunt Christian news. Incensed (whether real or fake) at our use of “trigger words” regarding an Intersectional Golden Goose, Jackie Hill Perry, snowflakes melted into a collective puddle on Social Media. Hundreds of Social Justice Warriors … Read more

Gay Christian Celebrities: A Peculiar and Alarming Development

Since Old Testament times homosexuality has been an uncontroversial topic among God’s people.  It’s sinful. That’s that; no argument, no debate. However, recent developments in Western society have caused homosexuality to become a hot-button issue in the public arena.  In the wake of what Baptist theologian and pundit Albert R. Mohler has labeled “the Moral … Read more

Donald Trump and Dead Religion at the Bush Funeral

The internet was abuzz today, especially the mainstream media, with criticism of Donald Trump.  While daily criticism of the President is nothing new, today’s story is unique in that it has a religious overtone.   Trump, along with the other living US Presidents, was in attendance at today’s funeral service for George H. W. Bush.  The … Read more

Book Review: Superheroes Can’t Save You

How often do polemics books hit the market? It’s not that often, especially from academia. Most modern scholarship, much in contrast to the work of the Patristic Fathers which was almost entirely polemical, exists to promote theological ideas rather than expose false ones. The bristling at polemical or irenic theology is in part responsible for … Read more

The Passing of W.C. Fields: Villain or Hero?

W.C. Fields, the Baptist journalist, has passed away. You probably don’t know who he is, but if you had much understanding of Baptist life from the 1960s through 1980s, you probably would. And if you’ve ever heard of the Conservative Resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention, know that W.C. Fields was a major player in … Read more