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Hipster Calvinists Vs Fundie Arminian in Religious Phoenix Feud

Steven Anderson, the highly controversial pastor from Tempe – a suburb of Phoenix – is in a heated back-and-forth with Jeff Durbin, a self-styled “hipster pastor” who is best known for booze, tattoos, and Calvinism. Anderson is best known for being tased by the border guards, some pretty insane sermon rants, and being banned from … Read more

State University Launches “Satanic Student Club”

[Now the End Begins] A new ‘Students For Satan’ club has just completed its inaugural semester at North Carolina State University, welcoming students interested in Satanism. Give the Devil his due, folks, he’s earned it. Seriously. First he convinced people that he’s not real, now he’s convincing people that you can be a satanist and … Read more

Thoughts about Hillsong and Brian Houston from a Minister Who Did Report His Own Father

[Jimmy Hinton] Hillsong Church, known across the globe for its worship music, has been in the spotlight recently. To be honest, I never knew much about Hillsong until 60 Minutes Australia did a special on Frank Houston’s victim, Brett Sengstock, on November 18th. What really caught my interest was that, like me, Brian Houston learned … Read more

J. Gresham Machen on Liberalism and Social Religion

Supporters of Pulpit & Pen via Patreon (or other financial venues) at the Expositor Level receive free books in the mail every month. Like last month, this month, Patreon Expositors will get TWO books. One will be Christianity & Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen and the other will be Christianity and the Craft (about Freemasonry) … Read more

Southwest Baptist University “Annihilationist” Dean Attacks His Accuser

The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment.  – Southern Baptist Faith and Message 2000, Article X Last Things The faith statement of the SBC specifies that the beliefs held by Rodney Reeves, Dean of Southwest Baptist University, are outside the bounds of Southern Baptist orthodoxy. Rodney Reeves, the Dean of … Read more

Huckster Brian Houston, Declared “I Believe Financial Revival is in the Air”

[Churchwatcher] The false teachings in Word of Faith and Health & Wealth cults are nothing more than tools used by wolves to manipulate their followers into giving their loyalty and their finances to their dangerous movements. Hillsong’s latest financial ‘pledge’ gimmick comes under the above cult categories. Hillsong’s famous ex-pastor and now global huckster, Pat Mesiti, … Read more

Witchcraft Moves to the Mainstream in America as Christianity Declines

[Yahoo News] Witchcraft is thriving in the US, with an estimated 1.5 million Americans now identifying as witches – more than the total number of Presbyterians. As Christianity declines across the country, paganism has swung to the mainstream, with witchcraft paraphernalia for sale on every high street and practises normalised across popular culture. In the … Read more

NY Times: Planned Parenthood Discriminating Against Pregnant Employees

[New York Times] As a medical assistant at Planned Parenthood, Ta’Lisa Hairston urged pregnant women to take rest breaks at work, stay hydrated and, please, eat regular meals. Then she got pregnant and couldn’t follow her own advice. Last winter, Ms. Hairston told the human-resources department for Planned Parenthood’s clinic in White Plains, N.Y., that … Read more

Heresy Peddler: TGC Honors “Legacy” of Thom Rainer at Lifeway

On the day of Judgment, the typical crack-dealer on the street corner will have less wrath of God poured out upon him that Thom Rainer. What Thom Rainer has made a career selling, destroys not only the body but the soul. Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources peddles literally every known heresy under the sun. They have abused … Read more

Dance, Monkey. An Open Letter to John Crist, Re: Lauren Daigle

John, You’re funny. I’ve laughed at your videos and shared them around multiple times. I’ve never looked to you as a church leader of any kind because as far as I know, your primary contribution to Christianity is to make people laugh. And that’s nice and everything, but humor is not a spiritual gift. Making … Read more

Mormons Sue Marvel, Claiming Deadpool Imagery Rips Off Latter Day Saints

SALT LAKE CITY — An online petition is demanding the removal of a Deadpool poster, calling it a form of religious discrimination. Fox 13 spoke with Patrick Mason, the chair of Mormon studies at Claremont Graduate University in California, to discuss the controversy. A self-proclaimed anti-hero like Deadpool has no business being compared to Jesus … Read more

Harvest Church Leaders Accused of Deceitfulness, Manipulation, and Attempts to Run a Cult

[Julie Roys] James MacDonald and the senior leaders of the Chicago-area megachurch, Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC), operate with “deceitfulness and manipulation,” and are attempting “to run a cult and control the masses.” That’s according to Randy Williams, a current Harvest elder and former chairman of the executive committee (EC)—a group consisting of MacDonald and four to five elders, which … Read more

Why is Christianity Today Running Interference for Pastor James MacDonald?

[WARHORN] Pastor James MacDonald runs a pretty shady operation in Elgin’s Harvest Bible Chapel. The Elephant’s Debt blog and others have documented its financial shenanigans for years. Most recently Julie Roys of World magazine has written an article with stories of expelling kids from the church school when their pastor father refused to sign a noncompete agreement, revising church bylaws to move authority from … Read more