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Encouraging illegal immigration is not compassionate; it’s dangerous

News Division

[Conservative Review] Another child has died while in government custody at the border, and yet again, the open-borders crowd is using the death to score political points against the Trump administration.

In this most recent tragedy, an eight-year-old boy from Guatemala died early Christmas day at a New Mexico hospital, after a Border Patrol agent noticed that he and his father looked ill. According to a DHS spokesman on Wednesday, the father declined further medical care for the son after the boy was initially discharged from a hospital, but later became more ill.

Earlier this month, a seven-year-old girl from Honduras died in custody after she and her father were apprehended trying to illegally cross the southern border.

Both deaths are being used by left-wing politicians to attack the Trump administration and others in favor of more by-the-book immigration enforcement — regardless of the facts.

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Nate Madden and first published at Conservative Review]