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State University Launches “Satanic Student Club”

News Division

[Now the End Begins] A new ‘Students For Satan’ club has just completed its inaugural semester at North Carolina State University, welcoming students interested in Satanism.

Give the Devil his due, folks, he’s earned it. Seriously. First he convinced people that he’s not real, now he’s convincing people that you can be a satanist and not worship Satan. That requires some pretty deep levels of deception to pull that off. In case you haven’t noticed, satanism in America is experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity in our day.

“For some are already turned aside after Satan.” 1 Timothy 5:15 (KJV)

Remember when college was a time in a young person’s life when they went to receive a higher education? Now it’s a place where people have their faith ripped out of their hands, and the god of this world is glorified. I find it interesting that some of the stated ‘core values’ of the Students For Satan club include, humanism, self-love and urging people to be guided by their “individual will”. Now where have I heard that before? I find it fitting that the mascot of the NC State sports teams is an angry, snarling wolf baring its teeth. Wolfpack, indeed.

“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Isaiah 14:13,14 (KJV)

Hate to break it to you, millennial geniuses, but any group that calls themselves ‘satanic students’ is indeed a group whose followers are satanists, and walking after the Devil himself. Are you worshipping Satan? You absolutely are. And while I’m at it, shame on you so-called Christian students at NC State for not rising up against this burgeoning evil. If you’re going to ‘live and let live’, which is not a Bible teaching, you might as well become a satanic student yourself. But thanks for proving to all our readers around the world that we are indeed in the end times.

“This semester, the group has held public meetings to attract and gain interest,” Satanic Students told The College Fix in an email interview. “These meetings have largely consisted of discussions with new and potential members about the type of Satanism practiced by the group.”

According to its “get involved” website: “The mission of Satanic Students at NC State University is to 1) encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, 2) reject tyrannical authority, 3) advocate scientific examination of the universe and our place in it, 4) promote morality and justice based on rational, humanistic values, and 5) be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will.”

A recent slide presentation at one of their meetings stated: “Does Satanic Students worship Satan? Short answer: no. Long answer: Satan doesn’t exist,” the Technician student newspaper reported.

“At future public meetings, we hope to perpetually refine our group’s mission through identifying, and challenging, consensus views among the membership; acting on those views when sufficient support is reached,” the group said.

“Members come from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds,” the email stated, adding that despite the fact that there is “a substantial Christian presence … projected around campus, most students have a ‘live and let live’ attitude that we respect and gladly reciprocate. We have yet to encounter any significant backlash.”

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Geoffrey Grider and first published at Now the End Begins. This post should also serve as an example to the publication, Now the End Begins, as to how to properly attribute material]