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Aborted Babies Used to Create Vaccines: Are They Immoral?

Nazi medical doctors used Jews, the Romani, Poles, and Soviet prisoners of war as lab rats to advance medical science. Upon these human beings, the Nazi doctors experimented by giving head injuries, freezing the subjects, giving malaria, testing various immunizations, testing mustard gas, and subjecting people to high altitudes. Almost all died or suffered debilitating … Read more

Why We Distrust Female Spiritual Leaders

The nation’s largest Protestant denomination has largely gone theologically liberal, with the vast majority of its leaders far more resembling those thrust out of the denomination by the famous Conservative Resurgence than those who wrestled from them control. It’s not uncommon to hear Baptist preachers today equivocate on female leadership within the church, going so … Read more

Jesuit Priest Rebukes Franklin Graham, Says God Makes People Gay

Franklin Graham has proven himself infinitely more faithful to speak out on important cultural issues than his father, who was always conscientious of winning the support of the religious establishment, whether liberal or conservative. The younger Graham has made himself a friend of Jesus and an enemy of the world by repeatedly standing up for … Read more

ERLC Council Member Says Christians are “Wolves” for Criticizing Beth Moore, Sam Allberry

Dave Miller wants to pink slip the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) because it’s a waste of money, serves no necessary purpose, and takes money away from real missions. Scratch that. Dave Miller wanted to pink slip the ERLC. After years of flattering servility, the soft-handed and paunch-swollen potluck-driven professional sycophant from Sioux City, … Read more

An Open Letter to Southern Baptists: You Are in Sin

This is an open letter to Southern Baptists who continue to support the Cooperative Program and fund its grievous errors. That caveat, in italics, is important. I wrote this as an email to a Southern Baptist pastor and I’m making it available as an open letter to all Southern Baptists who spit upon the Bible’s … Read more

Trump Makes U.N. Back Down on Pro-Abortion Resolution

The fact that you are raped, does not give you the right to murder someone. In spite of his long list of personal moral failures, Trump seems to get this basic moral principle. Many in the “pro-life” movement – who make exceptions for rape and incest – need to have this kind of moral clarity. … Read more

Southwest Baptist Alumni Disagree with ‘Official’ Report, Believe Faculty IS Heretical

In December, P&P reported that Southwest Baptist University, a Southern Baptist and Missouri Baptist Convention-affiliated school located in Bolivar, Missouri, had fired a professor for objecting to heresy. Clint Bass had been asked by officials in the Missouri Baptist Convention to research and report the theological leanings of fellow faculty because there were many reports … Read more

Self-Flagellations and Mock Crucifixions Continues Among Roman Catholic Devotees on Good Friday

The Good Friday practice of self-flagellation and mock crucifixions continues north of Manila, Philippines. Roman Catholic devotees, many with face covered, barefoot and bloodied, walked in an annual tradition among devotees beating themselves in a reactment of the flogging and suffering of Jesus Christ. Thousands flock to witness volunteers subjecting themselves to flogging, self-flagellation, and … Read more

White Horse Inn Supporter of “Hypergrace” Barbara Duguid

Written by Toni S. Brown White Horse Inn has been a consistent supporter of Barbara Duguid and this month Core Christianity interviewed her once again to promote her book Extravagant Grace: God’s Glory Displayed In Our Weakness. Duguid is a popular counselor in the Christian counseling movement and a student of Dr. Tim Keller, who is admittedly her mentor and teacher. The Duguids lived with the … Read more

Despite LDS Church No Longer Deeming Homosexual Married Couples Apostate, Claim They Still Suffer the “Rejection of God”

Pulpit & Pen reported last week that the LDS Church Says LGBT Mormons Are No Longer ‘Apostate.’ In a major change that came a week ago, the LDS headquarters announced that God again had changed his mind on an important social issue. Although the Mormons had banned people in ‘gay marriages’ as “apostates,” they reversed … Read more