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Death Doctors in the Netherlands Euthanizing Couples, Mentally Ill, and Children

Editor’s Note: The intentional use of specific words is often meant to sanitize their meaning and desensitize the hearers. Case in point: Death Doctors in the Netherlands release a yearly report with the country’s euthanasia statistics. In the government sponsored report specific words aim to convey the normality of medical-profession sponsored murder. In the following … Read more

“Legal Fiction”: Twitter Bans Psychologist for Authority Opinion on Transgenderism

Update from Dr. Ray Blanchard: In the early hours of Sunday morning, an expert Ph.D. psychologist who helped write the official psychological position on transgender identity was blocked on Twitter for expressing his opinion informed by clinical experience. His well-reasoned position was flagged for “hateful conduct.” On Saturday, Ray Blanchard — the Ph.D. psychologist and … Read more

Why Christians Shouldn’t Support Alyssa Milano’s Sex Strike

In March of 2019 the Georgia General Assembly passed one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws, House Bill 481. This action caused actress Alyssa Milano to call for a boycott of the state’s lucrative film industry. Following Milano’s lead, a group of actors wrote a letter to Governor Brian Kemp threatening to lead movie … Read more

Evangelical SJWs and LGBT Successfully Teamed Up to Get Tech Giants to ‘Demonetize” P&P

Social Justice Warriors associated with The Gospel Coalition and ‘woke’ evangelicalism have teamed up with the LGBT lobby to get tech giants, Google and Amazon, to demonetize Pulpit & Pen by flagging it as ‘hate speech.’ Pulpit & Pen is not the first conservative news and/or commentary outlet to be censored by the technocracy. Praeger … Read more

Beth Moore’s Self-Righteous Math

“We are Southern Baptists and we’re not going to have a female as a preaching professor.” Charles Kelley, President of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary In the last 40 years, there have been 2,080 Sundays. Barring a some providential hindrance, a Christian who has been alive during that time period should have found herself in … Read more

Gospel Coalition Contributor Begs Facebook to Ban Pulpit & Pen

The Gospel Coalition is a leftist political organization designed to infiltrate evangelical churches and change the demographic’s voting patterns, and it’s funded by progressive dark money. Its Council Members are largely responsible for the Great Awokening of Social Justice activism and the promotion of Critical Race Theory and Liberation Theology within evangelicalism. Heck, TGC ran … Read more

Court Rules that Montana Midwives Can Now Kill Babies

Thus says the LORD: “A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.” – Jeremiah 31:15 The Montana Supreme Court has ruled that, in part due to the geographical breadth of the state and its … Read more

Is The Gospel Coalition Editor, Joe Carter, a Shameless Racist?

In a shocking turn of events, three-year-old words from Joe Carter have resurfaced that self-impugn him of racism. Carter is an editor for The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization designed to infiltrate evangelicalism for the sake of pushing the demographic leftward. Carter is also the ‘Communications Specialist’ at the SBC’s wildly progressive Ethics and … Read more

DHHS Institues New Rule for Conscience Objectors of Abortion and Euthanasia

President Trump announced Thursday a new rule providing protection for conscience objectors from facing prosecution for refusing to perform such procedures as abortion, assisted suicide, sterilization, and sex reassignment surgery. The President made the statement in the White House Rose garden while honoring the National Day of Prayer. Just today we finalized new protections of … Read more

Pastor Supports Protest Against Own Church

An annual confirmation ceremony at the First United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska was met with a small protest this weekend. On Sunday a group of eight teens aged 13 and 14 read a letter aloud to their congregation stating their disapproval of the denomination’s “immoral” views on the LGBTQ+. “We are concerned that if … Read more

Joe Carter’s Attack on “Cultural Marxism” Term Likely Borrowed from Southern Poverty Law Center

Joe Carter, a contributor at both The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), yesterday blamed the tragic San Diego synagogue shooting on kinism (a philosophy we’ll describe below). Likewise, Carter claimed that kinism is to blame for the term Cultural Marxism, and argues that anyone using the term is complicit … Read more

The Dismantling of Joe Carter’s Embarrassing “Racist Conspiracy Theory”

[P. Andrew Sandlin | Christian Culture] The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has been increasingly tolerant of and sympathetic toward the “social justice warriors.” Thabiti Anyabwile (aka Ron Burns), for example, champions leading tenets of Cultural Marxism (CM) under TGC rubric. He declared that whites should collectively repent for assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr. (Yes, he did write that.) … Read more