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Et Tu, Alistair? Alistair Begg to Preach with Beth Moore

We love Alistair Begg, and we have heretofore never said a cross or corrective word to or about him. Begg is a fine preacher. He’s also making one heck of a mistake. Begg will be speaking alongside Tony Evans (who is an inclusivist, a Pelagian, and an Open Theist) and just as concernedly, Beth Moore. … Read more

California Governor Decries Anti-Abortion Laws: Return of “Dark and Dangerous Times for the Lives of Women”

California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom joined with Planned Parenthood supporters Saturday to condemn legislation that severely restricts abortion in an increasing number of states. “Spare me your indignity about the unborn,” Newsom lashed out at pro-life leaders using a common narrative of the left. “Folks that righteously talk about the unborn are the exact same people … Read more

The Public Ministry of John Piper

John Piper’s public ministry must be evaluated through the lens of his Christian Hedonism, promoted in his book Desiring God (1986). Piper has spent the past three decades promoting his philosophy through his organisation Desiring God, and through his preaching at the annual Passion Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.  Our video, The Public Ministry of John Piper, describes … Read more

Development of Economic Plan Phase One in White House Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

The White House is planning to launch the economic part of the Trump administration Israeli-Palestinian peace plan in mid-June and will hold a special international workshop on Bahrain on June 25–26 to discuss the implementation of the economic plan. What’s next: A senior White House official said the Trump peace team led by senior adviser Jared … Read more

No, Being Pro-Life Does Not Require Us Giving You Welfare

This is the argument from leftists, most of whom are either pro-choice or they hold their pro-life position really low on their list of political priorities. The old canard is simple; if you’re really pro-life, you’ll give us the stuff we want in order to talk us out of killing our kids. Holding a metaphoric … Read more

Rugby Star Fired After Posting Bible Verse

Israel Folau’s instagram post with a bible verse caption led to his contract’s termination. The three-person panel decided to terminate Folau’s four-year, 4 million dollar contract on Friday as a punishment for his social media caption. The image that led to Israel’s contract being terminated reads: “WARNING, Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters, … Read more

Should Women Preach in Church? Why Brent Hobbs is an Imbecile.

SBC Voices, a blog for Southern Baptist pastors, is going all-in for the defense of women in the pulpit. In doing so, they are either leaving behind their biblically literate congregants or – worse yet – leading them astray. I’m convinced that there is no corner of the religious blogosphere that is as hopelessly ignorant, … Read more

The SEBTS Files: Detailed Proof that Critical Theory Has Taken Over Seminary

If you want to know what it looks like for avowed Marxists, globalists, political idealogues, and their dark money to take over a once-conservative seminary in the name of Social Justice, look no further than South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forrest, North Carolina. The SBC institution is the epicenter of the ‘woke’ movement … Read more

The Social Justice Dark Money That is Funding SEBTS

Many Biblical conservatives are awakening and disturbed to find social justice indoctrination happening in their own seminaries. As revealed in 2017 – a massive effort to introduce the social justice /victim narratives of far left  “Christianity” began in late 2007-2009 and scaled up in 2013 to include some 23 conservative evangelical seminaries. The Kern Family … Read more

Cookie Company, Nabisco, Mocks Moms with Trannies on Mother’s Day

Nabisco apparently thinks that men are so much better than women, they can even make better moms. On the day set aside by our culture to celebrate womanhood, the cookie manufacturer thought it would celebrate men pretending to be women instead of celebrating actual moms. The Chips Ahoy! manufacture started Mother’s Day with a gross-looking … Read more

Catholics MUST Vaccinate their Kids, Says Missouri Diocese

Students belonging to other religions may declare their students from mandatory vaccines to enroll in school, but not Roman Catholic students, according to the diocese in Jefferson City, Missouri. Missouri Department of Human Health requires all students in public and parochial schools to be immunized, although state law makes exemptions for parents to object on … Read more