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Christianity and Religious Freedom Conference Goes Against Facebook Community Standards

Every day millions of Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith. They are often intimidated, abused and in fear for their lives all because of their commitment to Christ. The Pew Research Centre Report, which analyses religious freedom in 198 countries and territories, reveals that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in … Read more

Doctrinal Fidelity: SBC Should Say No More to Beth Moore

When Molly Marshall served as the associate dean of the school of theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky she held to unbiblical positions that transcended to a far higher level than her egalitarianism. Upon being forced to resign due to her theological liberalism that contradicted the Bible and the governing documents … Read more

#MLKToo: Civil Rights Icon and Baptist Minister’s Sexual Misconduct Revealed in Detail

In April of 2018, the Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) jointly hosted the MLK50 Conference. The stated purpose of the conference was “to reflect on the state of racial unity in the church and the culture” fifty years after the assassination of venerated civil rights … Read more

Gillette Gets Woker: Celebrates Dad Teaching Transgender Son to Shave

Gillette’s latest advertisement sympathetically shows a woman “transitioning” to be a man with the help of male shaving products. The risky advert echoes the feminist campaign to blur the biological differences between men and women by suggesting that women can become men with the help of some Gillette shaving products. The main character says: Growing … Read more

Church Discipline for Supporting Democrats, The Party of Infanticide

Christians must not enable murder;Voting for the pro-abortion party enables more murder;Thus, it is incompatible with the Christian’s moral duty and worthy of church discipline It is time to admit the evangelical church has a problem. Too many of its members are putting politics above the Gospel. They advance pragmatic, consequentialist arguments to justify how … Read more

Alistair Begg Also Shares Concerns About Beth Moore, But Will Still Preach with Her

Earlier this week, Pulpit & Pen reported on an upcoming conference in which Alistair Begg will ‘share the stage’ with Beth Moore. Begg is certainly not the first Calvinist and/or more-serious Christian leader to preach alongside the wildly egalitarian Social Justice Warrior and newly-charismatic prophetess. John Piper was perhaps the first respectable leader to preach … Read more

FDA Warns European Doctor, Stop Selling Dangerous Abortion Drugs To American Women Online

A European doctor who provides abortion pills by mail to the United States is defying an order from the US Food and Drug Administration to stop.”It is very important to continue … because it is the only safe abortion alternative for some of the most vulnerable people,” Dr. Rebecca Gomperts said in an emailed statement. … Read more

The “Constitutional Right” to Dismember the Unborn

These photos are the horrific and stark reality of what pro-abortionists believe is their constitutional right…murder of the unborn. At first glance, your eyes cannot comprehend what they’re seeing…moments, nano-seconds later…comes a comprehensible understanding that these bits and pieces are human beings. Don’t look away. It can no longer be considered an understatement to say … Read more

“Littering With Gun” Charges Filed Against Passenger for Throwing Pistol from Car Window

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office refused to allow officers to arrest two suspects on weapons charges. Houston, TX – Houston police charged an 18-year-old woman who threw a pistol out of a car window with “littering with gun” because the Harris County prosecutors refused to authorize weapons charges. The incident occurred on Sunday when … Read more

Euthanize, Abort, or Refer Trumps Doctor’s Freedom of Conscience Canadian Court of Appeals Rules

The culture of death brooks no dissent. In Canada, doctors have been ordered to bend the knee. Here’s the story: The Canadian Charter (Constitution) guarantees “freedom of conscience and religion” — a stronger and more explicit protection of religious liberty than our First Amendment. After the Supreme Court created a right to euthanasia, Ontario passed … Read more

Eight Reasons We Should Avoid Christian Conferences

Listen, people. These conferences are killing us. By “us,” I mean evangelicals. Revoice, MLK50, Together for the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, the Passion Conference, Asuza, and so many more conferences inundate us, largely with things that are not good. Every week there is a new conference in which heretics share the stage with some otherwise … Read more