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Where is Ron Burns, aka Thabiti Anyabwile, When Whites Are Attacked By 100s of Black Teens?

Cherie Vandermillen

Baltimore Police have recently released footage from body cameras and street cams of some of the attacks that occurred in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Memorial Day.

In a few of the scenes, officers are had to run toward attacks and apprehend those responsible for starting the violence. In others, some teens can be seen running toward the police officers for safety, with one team literally sprinting into the arms of a police officer who then attempt to calm him down.

Another shows a group of black teens beating up a white male until officers push them all aside and rescue him. Another shows a black teen standing atop a stoop and kicking an unsuspecting white male in the face as he walked by. The while male kept walking, while the black male seemed to get a congratulatory hand slap from a friend.

Baltimore police say that six people were arrested, including an 11-year-old boy who was charged with disorderly conduct according to Authorities are still searching for the teen on the stoop who kicked the passerby.

Another clip shows a black teen wait for a white man to walk past before kicking him in the head.

Other footage shows general chaos and running battles as some of the mob turn on each other.

“They were just randomly fighting with each other,” said Col. Richard Worley, the Baltimore Police Department’s chief of patrol, noting that such scenes are completely routine and “were similar to other events that occur in districts all across the city on any given night”.

The fact remains that if this was in the reverse, if white gangs were beating up random black Americans on the street, we would be holding non-stop ‘white nationalism’ hearings in congress, CNN would be covering the story 24/7 for 4 weeks straight, reporters would be asking President Trump to condemn them, and every remaining conservative would be banned from social media.

Here is the full video:

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written and originally published at The Red Elephants. Title changed by P&P.]