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Charisma News & Hillsong: The Spirit of The Age

I heard a remark the other day, on some intellectual-esque podcast – far above my own cranial capacities, by the way – that the post-modern era has ceased. We are now in a post, post-modern era, as yet unnamed. This may, or may not be true, but a couple of clear carry-overs from the post-modern … Read more

Hillsong and Pedophilia: Cover-Ups Galore Down Under

Brian Houston’s best selling book, Live Love Lead, was published in September 2015. At the time of the book’s publication, the public was becoming aware of a continuing cover-up perpetuated at Houston’s hands, with perhaps the complicit support of the government’s lead investigator into the sordid matter of multiple claims of the sexual abuse of … Read more

Hillsong: Heresy Goes Hollywood

The setting might not be all that unrecognizable from the typical hipster, prosperity gospel, mega-church anywhere on the planet. A darkened room. A state of the art sound system. A big screen. A room full of fans eager for a show. But this one actually is a theater as Hillsong: Let Hope Rise is due … Read more

How Hillsong and Brian Houston are Destroying Christianity

The professing church is filled with charlatans. Men and women who care about fame, fortune, and popularity. This pervasive evil has crept its way into even the most solid of churches, leading people astray, into the darkness of a counterfeit Christianity–one that has a form of godliness, but denies its power. If you want to … Read more

Hillsong’s Houston Has Saddle Sores

  The naked cowboy has apparently caused Brian Houston some saddle sores. Yesterday, June 1, he issued a mea culpa that defended his wife Bobbie, the “convener” of the conference where the pants-free cowpoke appeared, as well as clearing Carl Lentz, pastor of Hillsong NYC and his wife, Laura, from responsibility for the vulgar show. … Read more

Hillsong: Houston IS The Problem

  Brian Houston’s autobiographical fodder entitled Live Love Lead, published in 2015 by Faith Words, an indicia of Hatchette Book Group Inc (It certainly is a “hatchet” job on truth!), is hyped to be “a transformative approach to life” that will “help you navigate a faith path that is all your own.”  By implementing “his … Read more


Here, you will find resources regarding the international organization known as Hillsong Church, it’s founders, pastors, leaders, and music. Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous for Your Church Pulpit & Pen – Hillsong Resources Brian Houston Claims Clergy Privilege to Prevent Police Investigation? by Church Watch Central The False Gospel of Hillsong (6 parts) by Cameron … Read more

Qualification For Hillsong Youth Pastors: Be A Hot Model…

We recently brought you the story of Hillsong’s Women’s Colour Conference in New York featuring the Dancing Naked Cowboy. At the time, we didn’t know who was behind the outfit–or should I say, missing outfit? Now it’s recently come to light who is behind the shenanigans. Meet Diego Simila, a boy-band pop star out of … Read more

Hillsong Promoting Sex Pervert at Women’s Conference

**Update: See also Hillsong, NY, featuring Dancing Naked Cowboy on stage. Hillsong, the worldwide leader in Jesus-themed music, has recently taken their approach to human sexuality to a new level. Adding to their general theme of godlessness in entertainment, including a recent risque Christmas performance that called into question their respect for women, and human beings in … Read more

Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous For Your Church

Houston, we have a problem! Brian Houston, that is. Arguably one of the most influential figures of today’s professing church, Houston, is currently the senior pastor of the worldwide multi-site megachurch known as Hillsong. The church, founded by Houston’s paedophile father, Frank Houston, dominates the contemporary worship music scene, with their songs being played in churches … Read more

Brian Houston Inc. (aka Hillsong) Are The Real Homophobes

The worldwide international corporation known as Hillsong Church has an excellent business model. In 2013, Hillsong Australia alone had nearly 86 million in total revenue, with nearly 39 million in total assets and over 19 million in net assets.  Bottom line, Hillsong is banking. So why is this company so successful financially? Because they deliver … Read more

Hillsong Sodomites Now Accommodated in Los Angeles

A couple months ago, a kerfuffle between Hillsong NYC’s Carl Lentz and various blogs outing the church’s mishandling of two celebrity sodomites, known as the “Broadway Boyfriends,” who are members of his church, including one who had served as choir director. The openly gay Hillsong church members, Josh Canfield and Reed Kelly, told the press back … Read more