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Duck Dynasty, Ergun Caner and Free Speech

I wasn’t exactly shocked to see the above tweet from Ergun Caner. In fact, I’ve been looking for it each day. Caner has a tendency to pander to popular culture. I knew that it would be only a matter of time before he would say exactly what he said in this tweet…Caner thinks it’s wrong … Read more

Was Jesus An Illegal Immigrant?

Yesterday evening Democrats in the U.S. Senate pushed through a budget bill to the disappointment of some Republicans.  The bill according to The Daily Caller included a loophole that would allow illegal immigrants to acquire welfare benefits. The bill also imposes cuts on retired military members’ pensions.   Sen. Jeff Session(Alabama Republican) along with other Republicans … Read more

Become a Pulpiteer and Receive “Help! Arminians are Giving Me Nightmares Again!” FREE by Christmas!

Who are the Pulpiteers? The Pulpiteers are a unique group of rabble rousers that use their social media to get out the Truth about evangelicalism’s need for Reformation. They are a Gospel-centered army, using their social media to advance the cause. They follow the Pulpit & Pen blog, subscribe to the podcast, and receive email … Read more

Does Christianity Need a Chris Rosebrough?

No. Christianity does not need Chris Rosebrough. God is self-sufficient, Gospel is complete, and Jesus needs nothing and no one. So, please forgive the question. Perhaps a better question would be, “Is there a need in the Christian church for Chris Rosebrough and the work of discernment ministries?” Chris is best known for his program, … Read more

Why I've Left the Convention

“Brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees.” – Apostle Paul, Acts 23:6 I was raised in a Southern Baptist home. My grandfather was a Southern Baptist deacon and my father a Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher. I was baptized in a Southern Baptist Church (although not regenerate, had said the Sinner’s Prayer) and … Read more

Why I’ve Left the Convention

“Brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees.” – Apostle Paul, Acts 23:6 I was raised in a Southern Baptist home. My grandfather was a Southern Baptist deacon and my father a Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher. I was baptized in a Southern Baptist Church (although not regenerate, had said the Sinner’s Prayer) and … Read more