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People Are Going To Hell – Josh Feuerstein Worried About Red Cups

People are going to Hell at a rate of at the very least 100,000 a day (That is assuming that 1/3 of the people that die each day are Christian, which we know isn’t true. Try Matthew 7:13-14. Even most who claim to be Christian aren’t). They do this from positions of denying God in … Read more

Southern Baptist MegaChurch Pastor Defends Female Preachers

Perry Noble, who called church members who want to go deeper in the Word “jackasses” and whose sermon on the Ten Commandments was so bad it prompted the South Carolina Baptist Convention president to send a letter of rebuke, recently had a woman preach to his megachurch and closed out the day with a blogpost on why women … Read more

Are the Proletariat Revolting Against the Cooperative Program?

If you’re not a Southern Baptist, you probably don’t care. If that’s the case, read something else at Pulpit and Pen that may interest you. But if you are a Southern Baptist, you may just care that there appears to be some common sense thinking going on out there in SBC-land, and common sense thinking … Read more

The Cooperative Program and the Road to Serfdom by G. Seth Dunn, MAcc, CPA

PREFACE  I’m a Baptist of Baptists.  I wasn’t baby-dedicated at my church on the 8th day, but it was done within a few weeks.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in a family that faithfully gave.  As a carefree middle-class youth, I never knew how much was given but it made an impression … Read more

I Allowed the IMB to Make a Mockery of Baptism

…the International Mission Board (IMB) Board of Trustees voted to open new pathways of service by, among other things, removing previous restrictions that had been developed a decade ago. In 2005, the IMB BoT created restrictions to missionary service that included barring anyone from service who …had been baptized by immersion in a church that … Read more

Andy Stanley Wants You To Bake A Gay Wedding Cake

Andy Stanley is at it again. An article published by Raw Story tells of Andy Stanley’s recent comments in regards to Christian businesses baking cakes for gay weddings. Andy claims, “Serving people we don’t see eye to eye with is the essence of Christianity…Jesus died for a world with which he didn’t see eye to eye. If … Read more

Theologians and Perry Noble, a Perp Who Doesn’t Like the Police

On April 30th, Perry Noble, pastor of SBC megachurch NewSpring Church, published a personal reflection in which he expressed his disappointment that Ben Carson will no longer be speaking at the upcoming Southern Baptist Convention Pastors Conference.  In the course of his reflection, Noble decried the existence of “theological police” who display “pharisaical arrogance”.  This … Read more

Has Joel Osteen gotten better at talking about Jesus? A new survey of @JoelOsteen and his Newsletter.

6 months ago I wrote a post titled Joel Osteen Likes God…He just doesn’t like Jesus [A Twitter Survey of @JoelOsteen] It was a post critical of a particular idiosyncrasy that I discovered about Joel, namely his propensity to talk about God a lot, but essentially never, ever, ever mention Jesus. At the time I wrote this: The … Read more

Ronnie Floyd Gives Us Until December 31 to Pay Tithes

FBC Jax Watchdog beat us to the punch on this one. But considering that Jax Watchdog is just another angry blogger who should rightly be ignored (totally unlike the Pulpit & Pen), we’ll harp on this, too. When it comes to hateful bloggers typing vitriol with their Cheetos dust-covered fingers from the safety of their … Read more

Et Tu, Kirk?

Justin Peters recently appeared on Worldview Weekend with Brannon Howse to discuss Kirk Cameron’s recent appearance on Catholic Radio program, Busted Halo, with “Father” Dave. Kirk promotes his next movie about keeping Christ in Christmas and says it is about understanding the Biblical foundations for the traditions and celebrations of Christmas, including Santa Clause, Christmas … Read more

Rick Patrick and Connect 316: Sewing Up His Own Schism

Editors Note. This was originally blogged on Seth Dunns blog, found HERE and reprinted with permission. Seth has all sorts of excellent thoughts, so check him out. “The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.” ― Thomas Sowell “Upon this rock I will build My church.” Jesus Allow me … Read more

Joel Osteen Likes God…He just doesn’t like Jesus [A Twitter Survey of @JoelOsteen]

I often talk about the Christ-less Gospel of Joel Osteen. Whenever people ask me what I mean by that, I always tell them this; Joel Osteen does not talk about the Christian Gospel. Joel does not follow in the footsteps of Paul and share this message Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you … Read more