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Hillsong Goes Full Roman Catholic

[Editor’s Note: This was first published at, written by Mark Jefferies. A link to the full article will be posted below. We are running an excerpt from this article because it is important to demonstrate the ecumenism of the New Apostolic Reformation and its reuniting of Charismaticism with Rome. We reported similarly when an … Read more

Hillsong Gets Romantic With God, Commits Theoerosism

Theoerosism is a heresy named from two words in Greek, θεός and ἔρως, meaning God and love. ἔρως, however, is often used to describe an erotic type of love, and so Theoerosism is mean to mean “erotic love for God.” Although Theoerosism is not new in terms of world religion and was common place among the Greeks and other pagan traditions, … Read more

Justin Bieber Takes Shots, Removes Clothing, at NZ Bar with Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz

According to TMZ, Justin Bieber recently announced that he was canceling his latest music tour because he “rededicated his life to Christ.” Bieber’s decision seemed to come out of the blue, but our sources say it was squarely based on what Bieber believes is religious enlightenment. Bieber said he canceled due to exhaustion, but that’s … Read more

Hillsong: The Melting Pot for Apostate Women Preachers

When apostate, egalitarian, charismaniac female preachers are no longer accepted in the more traditional, bible-believing denominations, where do they end up? Hillsong! That’s right, Hillsong is a repository of compromised preachers and teachers, most of whom have a low view of God and a high view of man. You see, Hillsong has a low threshold of … Read more

Heaven, Hillsong, and Heresy

The 2017 church conference circuit is in full swing and with it comes a plethora of unholy alliances. No surprise, Hillsong and Jesus Culture will headline the apostasy this year. In keeping with Paul’s exhortation from Romans 16:17-18, it behooves pastors and Christians to be aware of the sort of tactics that mainstream movements are … Read more

Hillsong: Slouching Towards Jerusalem

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! Behold, your house is forsaken.”  Luke 13:34-35 Hillsong’s “apostle” Brian Houston took to Instagram in mid-February … Read more

Hillsong’s Naked Cowboy is Back — Except Now it’s Naked Santa!

Earlier this year Pulpit & Pen brought you the story of Hillsong, NYC’s youth pastor, Diego Simila, who posed as the infamous “Naked Cowboy” at a Hillsong women’s conference. There were also other more than questionable appearances of debauched characters at various other Hillsong conferences during that time, including the sex pervert, Austin Powers, who … Read more

Hillsong & Beth Moore Unite: Using Weak Women To Capture Weak Women (& others)

“so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith.”  2 Timothy 3:8 When the imprisoned, soon-to-be-martyred Paul wrote his final letter to Timothy, effectively passing the mantle of ministry to his young protégé, he warned the young disciple about the imminent persecution that would come “in the last days.” The … Read more

Lead Artist of Hillsong UNITED Finds Jen Hatmaker’s Affirmation of Gay Marriage “Refreshing”

Recently we reported that the popular HGTV star and self-proclaimed Christian evangelist, Jen Hatmaker, came out and affirmed homosexuality. You can see the original post here. In summary, Jen Hatmaker believes that sodomites can come together in a union found to be holy and honoring to God, and should be accepted in the church. When … Read more

Bobbie Houston: If You Hate Hillsong, You Hate God

Bobbie Houston, the wife of famed prosperity gospel charlatan Brian Houston, has issued accolades to Carl Lentz for his “Wow. Wow.Wow.” performance on Oprah Winfrey’s interview.  (You can read our take on it HERE.) While calling it a “God honoring, Spirit breathed” interview, Houston also took occasion in her Instagram post to comment about … Read more