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The “Gospel” Coalition to Include Non-Christians in Panel

In a post today, the Gospel Coalition laid out a defense for their inviting of TGC15 panelists who do not believe, well…the Gospel. Following the trend set by evangelical heavy-hitters including the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and others, The Gospel Coalition is capitalizing on the controversy in Ferguson, Missouri to focus on social justice … Read more

Anonymous ‘Christian’ Trolls

According to Wikipedia, a “troll” is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflamatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or otherwise disrupting normal on-topic conversation. Notice the word “deliberate intent” in the above definition. … Read more

The Progressive Christian Fallacy – Sin Rationalizing

So I entered into conversation today with someone who refers to himself as a “gay Christian.” I asked him to explain what he thought Christianity was, and I got the typical response, “That’s very simple. Following the teachings of Christ, not other Christians.” Further into the conversation, he references himself as a “Progressive Christian,” and … Read more

A Response to Chris Lyons' Response

A very spiritually discerning friend, and fellow blogger, Landon Chapman, posted an article on the Pulpit and Pen website entitled Christians Attack Their Own In the Name of Love: The Plight of Practicing Biblical Discernment. The purpose of the article was to basically outline the path he has taken from first having his eyes of discernment … Read more

Christians Attack Their Own In the Name of Love: The Plight of Practicing Biblical Discernment

Editor’s Note. This article was originally written and posted at and is being reprinted here with permission. 1 Timothy 6:3-4 [ESV] “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands … Read more

Chris Rosebrough and Nadia Bolz Webber: Would You Take A Picture With A Heretic?

” I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I have written to you … Read more

Coptic Christians Not Christians, Evangelical Leaders Need Reminded **UPDATE** IMB pulls references to Coptic Christians as Non-Christians

Twenty-one Egyptians who were being held by Islamic extremists were executed yesterday. They were decapitated. They were killed because they were not Muslims and because that’s what the extremists do…they kill people, savagely, brutally, horribly, sinfully. Regardless of the religion of those twenty-one people, the world should be outraged. The western world should be horrified. … Read more

The Devil's Old Manifesto: Enter the New Age

So many people have been deceived into believing the lie, and, unfortunately, many will take this lie to their grave. This is exactly where the Devil wants you; he wants you to believe that you are a good person and that you don’t need a savior. He wants you to believe that Christianity is a dark force that tries to keep you from following your “good” heart. He wants you to trust in yourself, rather than in Christ Jesus because he knows that Jesus is the only true path to eternal life.

“The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven” Recants Story, Rebukes Christian Retailers

  UPDATE 1 ! According to sources, Lifeway intends to pull this book from it’s bookstore! Warren Throckmorton has the story, but the gist is that in response to  Throckmorton’s questions, “Martin King, Director of Communications at Lifeway issued a statement saying the stores are pulling the book: “LifeWay was informed this week that Alex Malarkey has retracted … Read more

The "Carnal Christian" and Reality

  I often hear “Christians” say “God just wants us to enjoy life,” or “Christians don’t have to be so up tight all the time.”  Not incidentally, this often comes from those who regularly indulge themselves in worldly things.  But sometimes, even the most well meaning, well behaving Christians will express this.  But is this … Read more

Take The Lifeway Quiz! Match The Plot To The Cover, Amish Christian Romance Style!

A few weeks ago the always affable Fred Butler made the following string of comments on Twitter: He then went on to assert: and followed up his claim with this little revelation: Two thoughts ran through my head at that point: “I wonder if that’s true….?” and “CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!” I went to our go-to Christian bookstore … Read more

Vitally Connected: The Bible’s Teaching on Union with Christ

One of the most influential books I’ve read is The Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. In the religious world, Calvin is known for predestination but I would argue that the heart of Calvin’s magnum opus is actually his doctrine of union with Christ. The Swiss Reformer wrote: We do not, therefore, contemplate … Read more

One More Step In The Race Towards Christian Irrelevancy And Oblivion

Tylor Standley, a progressive liberal writer who blogs at , recently posted an article on Relevant Magazine entitled “6 Heretics Who Should Be Banned From Evangelicalism.” In the article, which has been shared almost 9700 times on Facebook, he seeks to answer the question: “Can you be an evangelical Christian and believe… …in evolution? …that Hell is … Read more